Rep. Luke Meerman | Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Luke Meerman | Michigan House Republicans
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has asked for a 70-day extension to Michigan's state of emergency, but Rep. Luke Meerman (R-Coopersville) strongly opposes the extension.
The Michigan Legislature prefers extending it to May 1, rather than the requested 70 days, which would have the state of emergency extend through mid-June.
“All throughout our state, people are confused and scared because the governor’s orders have not been made clear,” Meerman said in a press release on Michigan House Republicans. “Thousands of workers have been laid off and business owners are confused because no one knows for sure what is considered essential and nonessential.”
He said the governor hasn't put a real plan in place, which is causing confusion and uncertainty throughout the state.
“One day people were working and able to provide for themselves and their families, and then all of a sudden, overnight, their entire livelihoods have been put on the line,” Meerman continued in the press release. “People are hurting, yet our governor wants to extend her emergency order to mid-June? What makes this all worse is that the Legislature has had little say in the decisions being made, leaving constituents without a voice during a time of crisis. Michigan deserves better. That’s why I reject her recommendation to extend her emergency order.”