
Western Wayne Today

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Who voted in Central NW Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00006 during 2020 Presidential Election?

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Central NW Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00006 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 925 of the 1,259 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 73.5% turnout, according to the Michigan Secretary of State.

The voting breakdown in Central NW Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00006 reveals 34.3% of the total supporting Republicans, and 63.9% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 334 registered voters in Central NW Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00006 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 1,641 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Central NW Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00006, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Michigan Secretary of State oversees all aspects of the state's elections, working to ensure secure and accessible voting, as well as an accurate certification of election results.

2020 Voter Participation in Central NW Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00006
NameBirthdateAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron David Cosley01/01/200118657 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Aaron Robert Allen01/01/199218669 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Aaron Sean Benson01/01/199018529 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Abigail Elizabeth Modos01/01/198918647 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Adam Alexander Applebaum01/01/198817730 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Adam Martin Giller01/01/198318720 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Adam Ross Breeland01/01/198217230 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Adiba Jamal Kropik01/01/198817630 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Adisa Mesinovic01/01/198217620 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ahmad Karriem01/01/194517619 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Aisha Lanise Hill01/01/197617694 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Akia Desha Johnson01/01/198417717 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alan Dupree01/01/195917457 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alan Earl Montambo01/01/194918804 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Albert William Riehl01/01/196618539 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alberta Precaj01/01/199218846 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Aleta Divonne Scott01/01/194727023 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alex Angel Alfaro01/01/198917371 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alexander Chase Anderson01/01/199517357 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alexander David Paterson-Tank01/01/199418868 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alexander James Hartley01/01/199626976 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alexander Williams01/01/196117302 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alexis Anne Nowak01/01/199117646 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alexis Ranell Thomas01/01/198717445 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alfonso Michael Bommarito01/01/196318803 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alfonzo Dewin Green01/01/196917446 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ali-Amin Siddique-moufstafa-t Favors01/01/199517750 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alice Kaye Martin01/01/194117382 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alice Lou Spearman01/01/195817302 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alison Geneva Couch01/01/200218264 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Allison R. Patra01/01/199027145 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Amanda Ann Williams01/01/198218469 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amari Mark Torrance01/01/200218464 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amber Marie Ables01/01/198618650 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Amy Lee Hunt01/01/196517389 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Amy Lynn Rumrill01/01/198718397 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amy Marie Landon01/01/196718240 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Amy Sylvia Kelly01/01/194417185 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andoche Ayikoue Dalmeida01/01/196717685 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andre Saburi Dennard01/01/197226955 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrea Lee Kirby01/01/197618812 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrea Lyn Mesner01/01/198018634 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrea Marie Cavataio01/01/197617426 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrea Marie Diliberti01/01/198518288 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andrea Marie Miller01/01/198518419 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrea Nyshia-marie Lewis01/01/198818852 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andreea Denisa Allen01/01/199218669 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andres Lethero Vance01/01/199018247 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andrew Donovan Foley01/01/198617750 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andrew Isaac Montanez01/01/199218851 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andrew Jason Moats01/01/198018397 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrew Michael Gorley01/01/199017730 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrew Michael Rauth01/01/199017750 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrew Thomas Dechart01/01/198918263 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Angel Luis Gonzalez01/01/195717445 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Angel Marie Hart01/01/199718425 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Angel Marie Taylor01/01/199218503 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angela Elaine Williams01/01/197418484 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Angela Susan Malinowski01/01/198017677 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angela White01/01/197018434 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angelina Marie Bellamy01/01/198617415 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anitra Shawnta Smith01/01/197617302 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ann Marie Keith01/01/197118498 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ann Marie Mullen01/01/195317612 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ann Marie Walker01/01/196617620 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Annabel Bailey Carter01/01/195617433 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anne M. Meixner01/01/196018678 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anne Margaret Wagner01/01/196217601 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Annette Ruth Boyd01/01/196918642 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anteneh Alow Roberts01/01/199117750 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthony Jay Kinde01/01/199317440 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anthony L. Janisse01/01/195617726 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anthony Lamar Cade01/01/196817601 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthony Levelle Stitt01/01/196117426 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anthony Martin Williams01/01/198418469 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthony Pete01/01/197318308 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthony Taylor01/01/196117326 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Antoine David Perry01/01/198118650 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Antoinette Ahouannagbo Dalmeida01/01/197517685 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Antonio Edward Mitchell01/01/199526560 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Antonio Tywan Grice01/01/199118434 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
April Celeste Richards01/01/196118668 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
April Lynn West01/01/199517654 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
April Renee Lewis01/01/196817220 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Arlene Lynn MacH01/01/194917280 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Arneeze Carmoninise Washington01/01/197018685 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Arthur Stanley Bork01/01/192417611 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Asha Chantay Johnson01/01/199426902 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ashley Ann Marzouk01/01/199018340 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ashley Heather Stewart01/01/199117717 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ashley Janae Donahue01/01/199318449 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ashley Kristina Maifert01/01/198617461 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
August Bruno Cogliandro01/01/193026705 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Austin David Harrison01/01/198017410 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ayesha Massey Bennett01/01/198917526 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ayita A. Dalmeida01/01/200017685 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Baltazar Enrique Garcia01/01/193917452 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Ann Crawford01/01/194627088 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Ann French01/01/194317205 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Ann Hawkins01/01/193918497 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Barbara Ann Phillips01/01/194718410 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Irene Alderton01/01/196218686 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Jean Claphan01/01/195618870 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Jean Hackman01/01/196417397 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Jean Marshall01/01/194918325 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Lashawn Thomas01/01/197418803 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Lee McCausland01/01/195218300 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Marie Warren-Kaleniecki01/01/197818360 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Melerowicz01/01/195127061 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Rosell Lambertini01/01/194417637 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Batul Hozefa Ezzi01/01/198018279 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Becky-Ann Godsey01/01/195718360 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Belinda Gay Hill01/01/196017202 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ben Franklin Preacher01/01/194817335 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Benjamin Andrew Piskor01/01/198927065 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Benjamin Grant Kinde01/01/199317440 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Benjamin Sims Thomas01/01/195217661 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bernadette Gulley01/01/196717653 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bernard Dean Spring01/01/196327029 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bernard Francis Kaulfus01/01/194527190 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Bernard Joseph Harris01/01/198118618 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Betty Antoinette Caron01/01/195617406 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Betty Jean Gaydos01/01/196318285 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Betty Lou Piorkowski01/01/192917729 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Betty Marlene Guyette01/01/195318477 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Beverly C. Davis01/01/195327275 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Beverly Krause Bell01/01/194727220 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Beverly Meldoris Cardwell-Ealy01/01/195117425 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Beyonka Dominique-ezethea Burwell01/01/199117373 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Billy Joe Dowell01/01/196817205 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Billy Ray Darrough01/01/197918441 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Billy Ray Harris01/01/194518240 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bonnie Ellen Santoro01/01/195118693 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Bonnie Jean Darcangelo01/01/195627164 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bonnie Lisa Karkheck01/01/197617719 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Braenden Marshaeun Grant01/01/199118434 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Brandi Lee Becker-Wright01/01/198426710 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brandi Noel Hildreth01/01/198718678 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brandon Lamar Gary01/01/198618711 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brandy Marie Morehead01/01/198118617 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Breeann Noel Harris01/01/198318876 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brenda Joyce Benson01/01/195318529 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brenda Lee Fox01/01/196918800 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Brent Michael Burgess01/01/198618829 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brent Steven Croft01/01/199817414 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Breonna Lynn Ray01/01/199118717 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Arvid Briggs01/01/195418416 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Casey Lachman01/01/199117729 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Dana Johnson01/01/195518631 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Darnell May01/01/198817438 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Brian David Howse01/01/196218487 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Gustafson01/01/196618433 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Holt Pipkins01/01/197427162 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittani Janea Marshall01/01/199127038 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittany Katherine Young-McDonell01/01/198918840 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittany Kayla Weaver01/01/199818255 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittany Nichole Rogers01/01/198717445 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittany Roegge Doud01/01/198627024 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brooke Michelle Kraft01/01/199318714 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bruce Allen MacDonald01/01/195417551 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Bryan Floyd Pepper01/01/198826655 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bryan Keith Kropik01/01/198517630 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bryanna Latesa Bradley-Pipkins01/01/199727162 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Caitlin Meagher Ohl01/01/199118399 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cale Royce Scott01/01/199617661 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Caleah Alontay Thomas01/01/200126700 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Caleb Joseph Purdy01/01/198718483 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Candace Chavella-elizabeth Saine01/01/198017318 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Caren Noreen Parks01/01/196018714 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cari A. Dupree01/01/196217457 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carl Alvin Carter01/01/195218649 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carl Martin Brown01/01/195718859 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carl Martin Thurston01/01/196018715 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Carlissa Ashley Weathers01/01/199117646 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carmela Cassar01/01/193217701 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carmen Marie Bell01/01/198017374 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol A. Arrowood01/01/195418812 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Ann Mikkelson01/01/196217729 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Ann Roney01/01/195226795 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Anne Sharp-Allen01/01/197917350 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Carol Lee Warzecha01/01/194817638 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Lynne Senkbeil01/01/195317637 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Lynne Vanstone01/01/196226610 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Marie Morgan01/01/196517661 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Carol S. Harrington01/01/194418926 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Carole Lynn Montambo01/01/195418804 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carrie Ann Toombs01/01/199017165 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cassie Francine Carpenter01/01/199026496 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Catherine Naomi Morris01/01/198217686 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Catherine Wynn01/01/193427157 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cathy Ann Moore01/01/195417662 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cathy Wurn01/01/195517350 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cecil Lee Wright01/01/194326530 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chad Michael Cartwright01/01/199018828 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chanda Delontay Coming01/01/198126700 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Anthony Black01/01/198918804 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Borshanian01/01/192717686 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Edward Tigney01/01/199918222 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Harry Glinz01/01/193327122 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Henry Pruitt01/01/193127050 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Jay Beaumont01/01/195317456 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Porter MacKey01/01/195717637 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Stanley Gillis01/01/195718602 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chelsea Lynn George01/01/198718610 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chelsea Simone Tavolette01/01/200217646 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chenale Red Clark01/01/199317205 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chiquita Alicia Parker01/01/198418204 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chivon Mercedes Murphy01/01/199418851 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christian Blake Hargrove01/01/199917415 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christie Lynn Donn01/01/198217187 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christina Jaet Taylor01/01/198017693 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christina Joyce Pierdomenico01/01/197427101 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christina Marie Harris01/01/198318618 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christina Marie Lawrence01/01/199418883 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christina Rayliesha Anderson01/01/198318275 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christine Hennessey01/01/195217443 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christine Lynn Schneider01/01/197518488 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christine Marie Bevak01/01/196517446 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christine Marie Walters01/01/196917677 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher C. Okoh01/01/195318241 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher Cloyd Kirby01/01/197018812 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher Harris01/01/194518811 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christopher John Gazley01/01/199018227 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christopher Kevin McLaughlin01/01/198417669 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christopher Lee Habbert01/01/198417717 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chun Charell Johnson01/01/197317750 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ciara Martika Pettway01/01/198918860 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cierra Shane Jones01/01/198517411 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Clarence Robert Cagle01/01/198718622 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Clint Michael Caputo01/01/197817722 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Clinton J. Fillion01/01/195617413 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Colleen Carol Christensen01/01/197217416 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Constance Marie Sheffield01/01/198218693 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cortez Demnon Paige01/01/197718257 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cory Anthony Triffle01/01/197518625 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Courtney Gustafson01/01/199218433 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Craig Charles Gaydos01/01/196618285 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Craig Christopher Backus01/01/196918497 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Crystal Ann Tolan01/01/197517333 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Crystal Annette Scott01/01/197427023 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Crystel Marie Barbee01/01/199526735 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Curtis Al-terik Golphin01/01/198017709 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Curtis Lee Tonti01/01/195918658 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Curtis Paul Missale01/01/198617309 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia Ann Pelchat01/01/197127045 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia Anne Dattilo01/01/195427100 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia E. Tanguay01/01/194918325 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia Gaye Forbing01/01/196218398 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia Louise Doyle01/01/195718455 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia M. Buckley01/01/195618478 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia Marie Johnson01/01/199227012 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cynthia Marie Wyler01/01/198817722 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dairen L. Hollinshed01/01/198827071 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daisy Katherine Tucker01/01/195518434 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dale Joseph Groholski01/01/196618721 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dale Leroy Claphan01/01/195518870 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dan L. Tanguay01/01/195218325 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dandre Jerome Kellum01/01/198817406 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dangelo Zannie Pitts01/01/198717382 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Alan Glover01/01/198718492 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Alexander Raschke01/01/198517726 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel Christopher Perry01/01/198117600 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel Elijah-darnnelle Scott01/01/197027023 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Enrico Bisaro01/01/196018720 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel J. Hackman01/01/195417397 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel Joseph Estes01/01/199518247 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Joseph Foley01/01/195117750 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Joseph Haas01/01/198017241 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Martin Malinowski01/01/198217677 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Michael Jewell01/01/198118464 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Patrick McCready01/01/196118421 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Danielle Arlene Cochrane01/01/198218601 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Danielle Jean Holt-Evanoff01/01/199018719 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Danyelle Anesha Coleman01/01/198218846 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darline Mae Griffin01/01/193518300 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darrell Eddie Garrett01/01/196617381 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darryl Lagee Hunter01/01/196018248 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dasia Unita McDonald01/01/199618420 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David A. Foulks01/01/195617461 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Alan Karvonen01/01/198417725 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Allen Barnes01/01/196417750 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Antonio Rodriguez01/01/198917381 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Arthur Blanton01/01/195717551 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Devel Collins01/01/197326911 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Edward Flint01/01/195917750 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Edward Paana01/01/195518380 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Edward Walters01/01/198917397 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Howard West01/01/195417654 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Isiah Collins01/01/200226911 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Joseph Oconnell01/01/196317462 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Oliver Jacob01/01/198918836 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Robert Perry01/01/195517462 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Scott Williams01/01/199318867 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David T. Collins01/01/194418602 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David William Miller01/01/196018478 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David William Pierdomenico01/01/198127101 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Davion Keith Spates01/01/200117710 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dawayne Arness Washington01/01/198118852 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dawn Marie Dellavalle01/01/197218621 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dawn Marie Trahin01/01/198217729 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dawn Marie Westervelt01/01/196818695 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dazja Renee Laney01/01/199617305 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Deandre Casanova Lee01/01/199118803 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deandre Michelle Hudson01/01/196817602 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deangela Adrienne Alford-McCain01/01/199618483 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deanna Maria Coats01/01/198918504 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debbie Kay Pisani01/01/196018726 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deborah Ann McLaughlin01/01/195517669 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deborah Ann Williams01/01/195418469 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deborah Lee Irvin01/01/195417725 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deborah Lorene Morton01/01/195518720 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Deborah Louise Kinde01/01/195317440 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deborah R. Westenberg01/01/195718690 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Debra Ann Stratman-Hynes01/01/195517438 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debra Ann Taylor-Person01/01/196017326 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debra Denise Prather01/01/195917730 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debra Elaine Washington-Posie01/01/196518852 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debra Keith01/01/195218498 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debra Paul Miracle01/01/196217422 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dee Andrea Simpson01/01/197417305 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dejuan Dangelo Gordon01/01/199317357 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Delricco Lamont Parker01/01/199218732 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Demarcus Myron-allen Sawyer01/01/199818804 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Demetrious Armenakis01/01/193217403 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Demetris Emanuel Green01/01/198218615 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Demetrius Lanard Hall01/01/198617620 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Denise Marie Bellamy01/01/196017415 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dennis Gerald Oleary01/01/194217240 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dennis K. Wurn01/01/195417350 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dennis Ray Parks01/01/194218714 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dennis Ray Paul01/01/195727136 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Derek Malcolm Bennett01/01/199117526 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Destiny Lonya Gilbert01/01/200127052 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Diamond Alexis Roberts01/01/200026412 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Diana Delores Williams01/01/195917717 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Diana L. Miconi01/01/197118694 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Diana Switalski01/01/194826975 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Diane Eleanor Gonzalez01/01/196617445 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Diane Marie Johnson01/01/194618719 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Diann Carol Barnes01/01/196117750 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dianna Lynn Dickey01/01/195718641 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dior Terrell Haywood01/01/199218868 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dominic Dante Irvin01/01/198517725 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Collen Taylor01/01/194127014 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donald Daniel Walkoviak01/01/193727111 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donald Edward Kezele01/01/193518691 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Gerard Meyers01/01/195517685 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donald Joseph Biliunas01/01/195618441 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Marnon01/01/193817645 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Martin Vance01/01/197018416 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donald Roegge Doud01/01/195618720 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Timothy Howard01/01/196017315 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Jean Beaumont01/01/195317456 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Jean Herbert01/01/193017413 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Jean Sheehan01/01/195418703 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donna Jean Syrett01/01/196218363 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donna Joanne Natho01/01/196118803 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donna Kaye Cryderman01/01/195417550 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Marie Bagley01/01/196018934 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donzetta Gene Glinz01/01/193227122 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dorian Jalyn Wallace01/01/199818260 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Doris Jennell Justice01/01/195117654 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dorothy Ann Cogliandro01/01/193326705 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dorothy Ann Sellers01/01/193626976 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Douglas Bruce Blaim01/01/195718330 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Douglas Ja-von Johnson01/01/197317710 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Douglas William Lombard01/01/199718441 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Duayne Koltowicz01/01/195018477 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dylan Michael Gillis01/01/199818602 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dylan Thomas Mirisola01/01/199918875 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Edreana Marie Malone01/01/198118626 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Edward Giedrojc01/01/195017637 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Edward William Dumas01/01/196518530 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elise Kathleen McIntosh01/01/198718264 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Alyson Wauschek01/01/198918803 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elizabeth Ann Samples01/01/197817508 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Ann Zelyez01/01/199718434 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elizabeth Anne Patra01/01/198327145 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Ashley Funck01/01/198618828 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Marie Gazley01/01/199518227 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elizabeth R. Sock01/01/196817718 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elmer Jim Wang01/01/198517461 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Emanuel Gauci01/01/194918819 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Emeliano Cabello-jesus De-La-Garza01/01/199618836 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Emilie Marie Frisk01/01/197518385 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Emily Anne Hall01/01/194917669 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Eric Bradley Bauman01/01/197917244 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric George Jones01/01/194226849 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Isaiah Stuckey01/01/196617749 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric John Sandelin01/01/196217421 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Malcolm Washington01/01/196218600 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Eric Paul Wideen01/01/197827202 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Erica Lynn Farris01/01/194718641 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Erik Keith Wurn01/01/198417350 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Erik Robert-mark Thomas01/01/199018531 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Erik Turner01/01/197218642 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Erika Inge Nay01/01/195018421 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Erin Ann Mitchell01/01/198718503 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Erin M. Hennessey01/01/198217443 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Erin N. Walters01/01/199817677 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Erinn Lillian Demps01/01/197617325 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ernest Lee Callen01/01/197218503 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ernestine Fay McRae01/01/195917718 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Essie Dell Ceaser01/01/195017620 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Esther Elizabeth Taurianen01/01/192117451 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ethan Parr Woitulewicz01/01/199117341 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Evelyn Patrice Waller01/01/197217653 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Fana Marie Rombou01/01/198818804 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Felecia Nicole Johnson01/01/197827095 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Felisha Sharon Avery01/01/196818860 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Florence Marieann Argenta01/01/194126811 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Floyd Goss01/01/195618650 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Forest Kenneth Ledwell01/01/199418303 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Forrest Wayne Miracle01/01/196117422 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frances Katherine Doud01/01/196118720 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frances M. Johnson01/01/192118473 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Frances Ruth Hocking01/01/193318250 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frank Harvin Bullock01/01/196826700 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frank Joseph Bianchi01/01/194117255 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frank Stewart Dumas01/01/193917403 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frann Hunter Gustafson01/01/196418433 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frederick Hall Tavolette01/01/197217646 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Fredrick Lynell Alston01/01/197217619 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gabriel Sanchez01/01/194618287 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gabrielle Anne Puzon01/01/200117719 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gabrielle Terice MacKey01/01/197117637 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gail Marie Murdock01/01/195617678 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gary P. Walters01/01/196817677 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gary Stanley Gough01/01/195218391 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gary Stout01/01/196118639 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gean Elenoir Bray01/01/192718363 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Geary Michael Mayer01/01/195317300 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
George A. Pete01/01/194818308 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
George Gary01/01/195318711 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
George Joseph Morisette01/01/196118661 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
George Michael Kuehn01/01/196917373 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gerald E. White01/01/196818369 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gerald Edward Kittle01/01/196517415 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gerald Franklin Vance01/01/196818416 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Geraldine Albertha Shileikis01/01/193418442 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Germany Marie McCaster01/01/199517677 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gevon Alexander Foreman01/01/199727011 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ginger Ann Marshall01/01/195818721 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Glen Keith Oliver01/01/198218704 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Glenn Thomas01/01/195718812 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gloria Denise Hickman01/01/196717440 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gloria Jean Goss01/01/196318650 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory A. White01/01/196817702 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Allan Foulks01/01/194917415 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Allen Prather01/01/195717730 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Antonio Mitchell01/01/195526560 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Clarence Foreman01/01/196527011 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Dean Lewandowski01/01/198417726 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Lynn Holland01/01/196118320 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Griffin Jeremiah Steffes01/01/200217624 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Guy Richard Murray01/01/196717717 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Guy Rudolph Williams01/01/197818484 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Hailey Starr Ruiz01/01/199118720 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Haishan Ouyang Montroud01/01/196817548 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Hakeem Vidal Smith01/01/199617453 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Hakeemeh Maesa Williams01/01/197318845 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Halston Javaughn Perry01/01/199018529 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Hannah Katherine Burgess01/01/198618829 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Harold Heard01/01/195526620 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Heath Edward Marnon01/01/197818456 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Heather Lynn Kline-Kelm01/01/197418667 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Heather Lynn Raymus01/01/197618657 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Helen Ann Mercatante01/01/192917725 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Henrietta Beatrice May01/01/197917438 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Hillary Celestine Lewandowski01/01/198817726 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Holly Candice Bradshaw01/01/198618845 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Holly Rene Back01/01/199118726 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Holly Starr Smith01/01/197718867 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Hozefa Moiz Ezzi01/01/197418279 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ian Phillip Hartley01/01/197218455 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Isiah Devon Randle01/01/200117350 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jacalyn Marie Boni01/01/198417200 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jack Dean Shroat01/01/200018835 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jack Patrick Couch01/01/199918264 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jacob Michael Pascua01/01/199118492 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jacob Scott Meyer01/01/199418351 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jacolby Coleo White-Lake01/01/199718626 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jacolby Lashar Moss01/01/200118491 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jacqueline Anne Wakefield01/01/197618703 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jacqueline Denise Adams01/01/195726902 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jacques-Henri Couillais01/01/195218618 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jaden Brett King01/01/199618405 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jaila Onease Plair01/01/200117694 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jake Karl Samuel01/01/198826955 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jalen Dandre Williams01/01/199718851 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James A. Keith01/01/195118498 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Alan Yager01/01/199618498 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Clifford Palm01/01/195718673 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Edward Brock01/01/198917215 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Edward Brock01/01/195617358 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James F. Meixner01/01/195918678 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Kevin Barbee01/01/196926735 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Lawrence Guyette01/01/195218477 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Lawrence Williams01/01/197418469 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Leonard Holton01/01/198717326 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Michael Samples01/01/194817508 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Nicholas Racine01/01/199118638 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jamie Leigh Smith01/01/199117190 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Janae Angelique Davis01/01/198918419 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Janet Denise Taylor01/01/196117717 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Janet Lee Giller01/01/198718720 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Janet Lee Melonio01/01/195126725 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janet Lee Modos01/01/196218647 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janet Marie Patra01/01/196027145 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janet Venice Ross01/01/198318434 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janice Hardy Randall01/01/193418469 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janice Ruth Summers01/01/193927006 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janiya Lashon Moss01/01/199818491 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jasmeka Keoni Chambers01/01/198617612 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jason Alan Lebar01/01/197418276 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason Andrew Paluchniak01/01/197817250 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason Lee Ables01/01/198018650 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jason Marc Samples01/01/197517508 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason Mark Hensley01/01/196917719 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jason Russell Passeno01/01/197218704 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jazzmine Ny-ree Wheeler01/01/198417710 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jean Celeste Lee01/01/195817661 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jean Maria Stenzel01/01/195917154 Ryland, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey Dale Isabell-Taylor01/01/197218693 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeffrey Francis Buckley01/01/196018271 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey Francis Megesi01/01/196918491 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey John Switalski01/01/197526975 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey Lynn Sheehan01/01/195618703 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeffrey Norman Armstrong01/01/196518392 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey Owen Warren01/01/196517322 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey Perkins01/01/196127176 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey Rainer Toepfer01/01/195318835 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey Scott Stephens01/01/198718633 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Ann Folsom-Hartley01/01/196918455 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Elese Carpenter01/01/199326496 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Elizabeth Tigney01/01/197318222 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Lynn Compton01/01/198318221 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Marie Hall01/01/198417421 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeremy Andrew Westervelt01/01/199318695 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeremy Murrell Benedict01/01/197717373 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeri Beach01/01/194518649 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jermaine Lamar Frierson01/01/197917401 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jermaine Terrell Williams01/01/199018804 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jerome Lowe01/01/194827162 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jerry Dale Lewis01/01/197718634 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jerry Minnifield01/01/195017225 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jesse Lee Wilson01/01/199027111 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jessica Ann McSorley01/01/197918297 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jessica Anne Kwek01/01/200127066 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jessica Deanna Robbins01/01/197618305 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jessica Elizabeth Hoyer01/01/199218340 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jessica Lauren Davenport01/01/198818618 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jessica Lynn Prew01/01/198918819 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jessica Marie Pinard01/01/198718487 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jessica Nichole Hardy01/01/198517678 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jimmiejames Lee Sankey01/01/198617411 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jlynn Pryor01/01/200217620 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jo Marie Adams01/01/195817376 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John A. Gazley01/01/195918227 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Allen Raschke01/01/195117726 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Chester Switalski01/01/194726975 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Dean Shroat01/01/196518835 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Eldon Chestnut01/01/195918609 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Everett Novak01/01/197318658 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Frank Gutholm01/01/199017601 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Frederick McCosky01/01/196017403 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Jason Varrero01/01/198118601 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Jay Evans01/01/199127030 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Joseph Pisani01/01/196118726 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Kareem Keeling01/01/198317445 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Raymond Koenig01/01/198317346 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Richard Crowther01/01/194417425 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Roger Bell01/01/198817374 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Scott Santoro01/01/197818693 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Wayne Davis01/01/196818350 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John William Ferguson01/01/194117446 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Johnnie Mae Moorer01/01/196218320 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Johnnie William Jordan01/01/196217210 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jonathan Alexander Steffes01/01/197317624 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jonathan Bradley Tomberlin01/01/198617421 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jonathan Edward-anthony Moody01/01/199718875 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jordan Lee McDonald01/01/198417437 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joseph Allen Realy01/01/197618634 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Andrew Stone01/01/198318851 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Andrew Tamburelli01/01/195318634 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Bruce Stribling01/01/196017454 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joseph Edward Bakos01/01/198327129 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Edward Bevak01/01/196017446 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joseph Francis Smith01/01/199018442 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joseph Harold Burwell01/01/199217373 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joseph Hugh Kubis01/01/198617275 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Lee Hall01/01/198417421 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Michael Catalano01/01/199117646 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Michael Darcangelo01/01/195527164 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Michael Modos01/01/199618647 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Michael Ruiz01/01/198918720 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Michael Sanchez01/01/197618287 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Micheal Modos01/01/196218647 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Richard Azarovitz01/01/197118617 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Robert Wambaugh01/01/198327000 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Scott Johnson01/01/199118399 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joseph Terrence-stribling Foster01/01/199617454 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph William Miller01/01/194127033 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joshua Adam Isanhart01/01/198718470 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joshua Samuel Marsh01/01/199618400 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joshua Ted Schneider01/01/198118488 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joshua Thomas Mullen01/01/199418463 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Josiah David Knight01/01/198317389 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joy Ann Howse01/01/196518487 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joyce Nichelle Baker01/01/197317619 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Judith Caroline Harris01/01/194118240 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julia Gail Richards01/01/199618668 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Juliana Eden Rogers01/01/200018828 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Juliana Hill01/01/197518220 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julianne Erin Carney01/01/197217701 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julie Ann Parker01/01/195518667 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julie Anne Jackson-Ward01/01/195518605 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julie Martel Robinson01/01/197318875 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Juliette A. Laslett01/01/197118463 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Julio Desir01/01/194017434 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Justin Daniel Doud01/01/199018340 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Justin Donald Commes01/01/197518305 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Justin Nathaniel Boomgaard01/01/198617445 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Justin Richard Mansfield01/01/198918617 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Justin William Hollins01/01/200217638 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jvonne Shawntee Ruffin01/01/200218804 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kahliaha Latrice Henderson01/01/199317398 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kaitlin Marie Johnson01/01/198918631 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kaitlin R. Murray01/01/200117717 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kamara Ogbonna Montgomery01/01/197718845 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kamia Calimar Wardlaw-Swafford01/01/200117709 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen A. Golembiewski01/01/196217662 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen E. Dumas01/01/196118530 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Lee Perry01/01/194226830 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Lee Stpeter01/01/197418504 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Karen Louise Boni01/01/195617260 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Louise Kwek01/01/196727066 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Lynn Curio01/01/196317710 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen R. Wilson01/01/195018812 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Sue Branch01/01/196227055 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Karen Sue Dowell01/01/196617205 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kari Lee Knight01/01/199317709 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karra Ema Thomas01/01/197017709 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karwyn Von Abrams01/01/195717686 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Katanya Johnson01/01/196818657 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kate Lynn Bisaro01/01/199018720 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Katherine Ann Carpenter01/01/196326496 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Katheryn Ann Sprader01/01/199517653 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kathleen Diane Adams01/01/194517396 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathleen Ellen Bisaro01/01/195918720 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathryn Ann McCarthy01/01/195718411 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kathryn Ann Sovinski01/01/195718642 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathryn Carol Singletary01/01/196918714 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kathryn Jean Passeno01/01/194818704 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathy Ann Branch01/01/196527055 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathy Green01/01/196217446 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathy Swiney01/01/196318827 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Katie Lynn Yekin01/01/199318859 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Katie Sue Tomberlin01/01/198917421 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Katrina Marie Ball01/01/199027129 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kayla Marie Chewning01/01/198818401 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kayla Rae Knight01/01/199117709 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keisha Louise Williams01/01/198017725 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keith Axel Christensen01/01/197117416 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keith H. Daugherty01/01/197627253 Margareta, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Keith Harrison Walton-Wheeler01/01/200017335 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelly Ann Jones01/01/197018876 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kelly Ann Stackhouse01/01/197017749 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelly Anne Knotts01/01/196617245 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelly Kay Green01/01/198418615 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelly Marie Price01/01/198718846 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kelly Montambo01/01/197718804 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kelsey Elizabeth Bont01/01/199118704 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelsey Victoria Boney01/01/199318300 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kendall Antonial James01/01/198918875 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kenneth Florian Lux01/01/193717462 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenneth J. Warzecha01/01/194217638 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenneth Jasper Hickman01/01/197017440 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenneth William Kwek01/01/196927066 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenya Rena Jones01/01/197818260 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kerry Michael Oblak01/01/196018329 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Alan Dodd01/01/196217166 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Laney01/01/196617305 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Laney01/01/199417305 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Lewis Chewning01/01/198618401 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keyonnia Renee Cuff01/01/199817210 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Khadijah Tijanni Favors01/01/200117750 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Khaila Alese Allen01/01/199617646 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Khary Yamro Hollins01/01/197217638 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kieon Ja-muir Hughes01/01/199026965 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kiera Alisia Heard01/01/198826620 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kim Patrick Layer01/01/195218667 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Ann Lloyd01/01/196017386 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Anne Wimer01/01/197117733 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Hope Walton01/01/196717335 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Ilene Flint01/01/196017750 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly K. Kelm01/01/197518667 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Marie Pascua01/01/199018492 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Mechile Williams01/01/197618503 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Yvette Stubbs01/01/197117349 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimmie Jo Ostrowski01/01/198817693 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kirklyn Okeito Kerr01/01/197817414 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kirsten Shirlee Hannan01/01/199518264 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kirsti Marie Stephens01/01/199318633 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kiyoko Lehr01/01/194627162 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kori Marie Deleon01/01/199118600 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kory Adam Pinard01/01/199018487 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Krissie Lashonn Brown-Taylor01/01/197017619 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kristen Ann-marie Castelluccio01/01/198127050 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kristen Marie Sultini01/01/199318470 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kristina Denise Martin01/01/198018817 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Krystyn Janet Garrett01/01/199117462 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kurt Mark Coulter01/01/197517427 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kyla Anita Stringer01/01/199418497 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kyle Lamar Lawrence01/01/199218231 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ladgrell Ronell-jones Stevenson01/01/197517620 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lakeesha Renee Weston01/01/197317269 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lakeysa Diane Reynolds01/01/198018880 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lamont Earl Twitty01/01/197217175 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lance Denzel Gulley01/01/200117653 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Larry E. Anderson01/01/194726958 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Larry Harold Marshall01/01/195218325 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Larry Thomas01/01/197218803 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lashawn Nicole Simmons01/01/197418851 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lashawne Denise Brown01/01/197118420 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lashona Dawn Callen01/01/197018503 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lashonda Tiese Moss01/01/197118491 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latanya Inez Little01/01/198017694 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latisha Shavonne Bingmon-Beanum01/01/198618539 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latoya Charnelle Ferguson01/01/198318464 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Latrice Yvette Keaton01/01/197618835 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Laura B. Sock01/01/196717718 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Laura Ellen Rodriguez01/01/198418850 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lauren Emily Dominick01/01/199526988 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lauren Marie Couch01/01/197518264 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Laurie Ann Lockhart01/01/196127029 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Laveda Georgette Pickens01/01/197717693 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Laverne Darlene Jordan-Holts01/01/197426412 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lawrence Oscar Perry01/01/193526830 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Layli Corinne Brisbey01/01/197927380 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lee Ann Somerville01/01/195317515 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lee Marie Dodd01/01/196417166 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lenette Covington01/01/197918248 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Leonard Gregory Addison01/01/197918607 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Leone Marie Lanning01/01/192818827 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Leslie Lynn David01/01/197117433 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Leslie Simone Key01/01/196318449 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lillian Woods01/01/194817225 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Dimpfl01/01/195317670 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Linda Fay Armitage01/01/195217451 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda L. Powrozek01/01/195127030 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Lou Foulks01/01/194517415 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Louise Luke01/01/195618820 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Mae Toth-Buckley01/01/196118271 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lisa Linea Wallace01/01/198318851 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lisa Mae Paveglio01/01/198317319 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lisa Susanna Garcia01/01/198217452 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lonnie Marvin Hill01/01/196917694 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lori Michelle Robinson01/01/196918235 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Louis Milton Simpson01/01/199218626 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Louis Wayne Frederick01/01/195618630 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lucas Andrew Sprutte01/01/198918868 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lula Lee Campbell01/01/194327035 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lydia C. Paredes-Raschke01/01/194417726 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lynda Sue Bommarito01/01/196418803 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lyndsey Marie Warren01/01/199717322 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lynn Marie West01/01/195417654 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
MacHelle Marie Kuehn01/01/196317373 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
MacY Yates Marnon01/01/194217645 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Madison Marie Bevak01/01/199717446 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Makayla K. Warren01/01/199817322 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Malika Benee Ramey01/01/197217366 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Malinda Lynette Dalton01/01/196917620 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Malvies Renee Jones01/01/196717646 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mamie Stone-Beatty01/01/194727052 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marc Johnson01/01/196326902 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marcus David May01/01/197817260 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Marcus Dion Ealy01/01/198117425 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marcus Edward Taylor01/01/200217619 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margaret Ann Corsi01/01/195217730 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margaret M. Lincourt01/01/195618695 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margaret Sharon Goniwicha01/01/194717261 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margaret Susan McDonell01/01/197218840 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margery Jane Blaim01/01/194618330 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margo Sherree Scott01/01/197317661 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Maria Guadalupe Hayes01/01/197718819 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Maria Lynn Argenta01/01/196926811 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marian Jean Megesi01/01/194118491 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marie B. Gazley01/01/196018227 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marin Jennifer Jewell01/01/198218464 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Allen Richards01/01/196118668 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Anthony Beaner01/01/199317398 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Croft01/01/195817414 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Joseph Rudis01/01/197027241 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mark Louis Traficant01/01/196717749 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Neal High01/01/197218529 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Steven Price01/01/198118846 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mark William Breckeles01/01/195618835 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Marlan Leon Jeffries01/01/197426755 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marlene Lee Spayd01/01/194427143 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marque Alfred Cryderman01/01/195517550 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marquerite Marie Gough01/01/195817462 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Marquis Danielle Longmire01/01/198317475 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Martel Allen Reed01/01/198417374 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Martez Robert McClain01/01/198117693 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Martin Jay Laura01/01/198718828 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Martin Lawrence Williams01/01/195318469 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Martin Reid Gracer01/01/195318835 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marvin Habib Shammami01/01/198818442 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mary Ann Foley01/01/195417750 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Clare Carducci01/01/195818704 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Ellen Toccalino01/01/195627146 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Jo Sewell01/01/194918433 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Josephine McKiddie-Davis01/01/196218350 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Lee Seyuin01/01/194418626 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mary Louise Kezele01/01/193718691 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Louise Wilson01/01/194417446 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Maryann Traficant01/01/196517749 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Matthew Paul Tafelsky01/01/197426965 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Matthew Tellitocci01/01/196127089 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Matthew Wellington Lazier01/01/197617318 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Matthew Zanardelli01/01/195917515 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Matthews Elliot Barnes01/01/197917205 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Maureen A. Brock01/01/196217358 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Maureen Barbara McBrien01/01/193817439 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Maureen Ruth Bianchi01/01/194617255 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Megan Elizabeth Steffes01/01/197017624 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Megan Fay Holton01/01/198517326 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Megan Lynn Byers01/01/198718689 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melanie Nicole Ray01/01/198217601 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Melissa Ann Hoyer01/01/198117410 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melissa Ann Kargul01/01/196227248 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melissa Marie Adams01/01/198717396 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Melora Cheryl Lacelle01/01/196518220 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melvin Frick01/01/194118720 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Melvin Lamont Brown01/01/194717611 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Anthony Darcangelo01/01/199117203 Ryland, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Anthony Dattilo01/01/195427100 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Anthony Hudson01/01/195717750 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Bernabe Vazquez01/01/198218340 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Bohdan Patra01/01/195227145 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Brent Tanguay01/01/198818325 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Charles Kusterer01/01/194727150 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Curt Wells01/01/199218248 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael D. Dellavalle01/01/196218621 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Darcangelo01/01/196117203 Ryland, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael David Fleming01/01/195417234 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Edward Prew01/01/198518819 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Edward Prew01/01/195418201 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Elliot Faubert01/01/195818839 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Francis Kuczewski01/01/198617678 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael John Brewster01/01/196118257 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael John Kowalski01/01/198226442 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Joseph Balbach01/01/197318210 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Joseph Naimolski01/01/198918477 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Kevin McLaughlin01/01/195517669 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Knotts01/01/197617245 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Kyle Reed01/01/196317427 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Leonard Weiss01/01/196817701 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Nathan Morton01/01/197818926 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Norman Williams01/01/196517678 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Patrick Barker01/01/197218667 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Patrick Couch01/01/197218264 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Patrick Hynes01/01/196417438 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Renard Rosier01/01/198017437 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Richard Demick01/01/196517215 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Steven Lewis01/01/198817645 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Thomas Aitkens01/01/197317285 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Thomas Sielski01/01/197917240 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael William Styles01/01/199518463 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michaelene Munie Gillis01/01/195418602 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michale Carol Bozyk01/01/197918421 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Micheal Dennis McSorley01/01/197618297 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Micheal George Williams01/01/195917717 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michele Renee White01/01/196617653 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Ann Mullen01/01/199117612 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Jeane Hull01/01/198917293 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mikala Ann Sarten01/01/199718410 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mildred Florence Cathey01/01/194017710 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Miles Brandon Watson01/01/199327012 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Miles Mccarthy Swain01/01/199718411 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mindy Marie Schoening01/01/198518285 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Minerva Armstrong01/01/195918392 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Miracle E-wayne Crawford01/01/196117644 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Miranda Faith Kargul01/01/199627248 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Moiz Babujee01/01/193417358 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mona Desir01/01/194617434 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Monique Charise Miles01/01/198318390 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Montez Douglas Hill01/01/198918852 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Montez Duwaine Gary01/01/197818711 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Morgan Brittany Mark01/01/199027129 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mya Desiree Hughes01/01/200026965 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mycarra Marieh Whorton01/01/199717693 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nakarree James Eddy-Dunn01/01/200017611 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nanci Lynn Gibson01/01/196717184 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Kathryn Firth01/01/194818696 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Lucille Jones01/01/194026849 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Lynn Respondek01/01/195517439 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Lynne Thorson01/01/196217231 Ryland, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Mae Trieskey01/01/195318463 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Marie Crichton01/01/196218614 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Marie Frederick01/01/195518630 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nashwan Sesi01/01/199418463 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Natasha Lashawn Wilson01/01/198118218 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nathan Immanuel Thomas01/01/200218803 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nathaniel Abraham Grodi01/01/200218392 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nathaniel Henry Richardson01/01/200018400 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nathin Louis Curio01/01/198817710 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nekold Alexandria Jones01/01/200117646 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicholas Andrew Kuehmichel01/01/198717220 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicholas Michael Couch01/01/200118264 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicholas P. Selewski01/01/196118845 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nichole Marie Eddy-Hambrick01/01/197917611 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nichole Renee Godsey01/01/197418360 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nickalis Aleksander Mateievic01/01/200018360 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nicolae Birsan01/01/198727202 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nicole Ann Luke01/01/198518811 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nicole Dean Loar01/01/198526946 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nicole Henrissa Addison01/01/197918607 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicole Kathleen Cooper01/01/196617322 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicole Louise Wright01/01/198318400 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicole Lynn Wardell01/01/197918859 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nicole Michelle Cotton01/01/199117352 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nikeia Nichole Ramsey01/01/198317611 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Noah Wilson Crowther01/01/198517425 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Norman Arthur Mayer01/01/196017281 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Norman George Saarela01/01/195618641 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Norman Stanley Kosinski01/01/197517710 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Olivia Kirsten Dumas01/01/200118530 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Omar Darrion Harrell01/01/200118685 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Paige Novella Estes01/01/199518247 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pamela C. Cummings-Lowe01/01/194727162 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pamela Elaine Adams01/01/196717619 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pamela Hermann01/01/195217501 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pamela Ruth Shroat01/01/196818835 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paris Renee Berry01/01/199517205 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paschal Lino Buhagiar01/01/195417201 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patric Donovan Wagner01/01/200017601 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patric Eugene Wagner01/01/197117601 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Ann Chestnut01/01/195718609 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Ann Dennis01/01/194517645 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Ann Jones01/01/196017611 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Jean Isabell01/01/195227262 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Jo Idema01/01/198617730 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Joan Hartley01/01/197026976 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Louise Hartman01/01/195417309 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Mary Graham01/01/195617702 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Patricia Mary Murray01/01/197117717 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Mary Wilson01/01/195617702 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patrick Isaiah Trahin01/01/198017729 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patrick Owen Dunn01/01/195418645 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patty Dorren Dubose01/01/196118257 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Paul Douglas Jones01/01/196117604 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paul Francis Pelchat01/01/196327045 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paul Joseph Wagner01/01/200117601 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paula K. Paris01/01/199518804 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Peaches Innis Brownell01/01/198717433 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Pearl Ann Ervans01/01/196017220 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Peggy Ann Gladstone01/01/195317201 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Perla Boufford01/01/198317416 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Perry Allen Devitis01/01/195717645 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Philip Augustus Carter01/01/195317433 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Phillip Ernest Isabell01/01/194827262 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Polly Anne Miller01/01/192327052 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Preston Levorne Reed01/01/194418819 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Princess Ebony-adebola Ogundipe01/01/198918852 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Qian Wang01/01/194217702 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rachael Lafay Short01/01/199317717 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rachel Amelia Jackson01/01/194827120 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rachel Ann Mahrle01/01/198917611 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rachel Elizabeth Buckley01/01/199618271 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ralph Bernard Thomas01/01/195517709 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ralph Elmore Farrar01/01/196818305 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Randell Calvin Stewart01/01/195118686 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Randy Allen Yee01/01/199917409 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Randy Hugo Toombs01/01/198617165 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rashauna Danielle Mack01/01/199117406 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raven Johnte-davis Bryant01/01/199317749 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ray Erwin Keller01/01/199417662 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raymond Bob Piskor01/01/195627065 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raymond Francis Alman01/01/195318658 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Raymond John Paris01/01/196717153 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raymond M. Sock01/01/197317718 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rebecca Heard01/01/195526620 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Regina Lorraine Anthony01/01/199017612 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Regina Louise Gilbert01/01/195918225 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Remie Tyler Ray01/01/199318717 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rene A. Lacelle01/01/195618220 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Renee Antoinette Brozek01/01/197927115 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Renette Marie Ducharme01/01/194918477 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Renita Michele Chuney-Giles01/01/199218529 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Reta Lorraine Alexander01/01/193518626 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rhonda Marie Sauseda01/01/197326735 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Richard Alfred Randall01/01/192818469 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Allen Dery01/01/197117452 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Brett Hill01/01/197418220 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Dwayne Mack01/01/196517406 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Dwayne Mack01/01/199817406 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Jay Dennis01/01/195118832 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard L. Burk01/01/195618455 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Lee Keller01/01/196717662 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Leigh Golding01/01/195518868 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Richard Paul Stone01/01/195317285 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Randall01/01/196318469 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Richard Stanley Niemyjski01/01/196917678 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Richard Steven Keller01/01/200117662 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard William Kaleniecki01/01/197418360 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ricky Steve Jonna01/01/197718470 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Alan Price01/01/199718846 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Allen Dombrowski01/01/195727077 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Antwoine Nickerson01/01/197918817 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert David Melonio01/01/194726725 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Douglas Brown01/01/193318469 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Dufour01/01/194017551 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert E. Wilson01/01/194917446 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Earl Ealy01/01/194617425 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Edward Bisesi01/01/195627030 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Edward Gaynor01/01/197218658 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Eric Palmer01/01/197018720 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Jackson01/01/194727120 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert James Evanoff01/01/198118719 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Quatrelle Spates01/01/198017710 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Walter Senkbeil01/01/195017637 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Wayne Raymus01/01/197118657 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robin Caprice Montgomery01/01/199318650 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robin Katherine Bonneau-McGinty01/01/198817341 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robin Kay Green01/01/195518615 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robin L. Anderson01/01/196618720 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robin Marie Croft01/01/195817414 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rochelle Marie Stankovitz01/01/198318308 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rodney Allen Naimolski01/01/195718477 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rodney Duane Godsey01/01/195118360 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Roger Dale Shanks01/01/194718441 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Roger Dale Shanks01/01/197118441 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rommel Kirk Aliff01/01/196418714 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Alexander Pettway01/01/197818248 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Dale Goniwicha01/01/194617261 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Drexell Everette01/01/195317397 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Henry Respondek01/01/195417439 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Keith Smith01/01/195727215 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronnita Denise Bryant01/01/197417749 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronson William Webster01/01/198918852 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rosalind Marie Taylor01/01/196317326 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Roxan Sue Dennis01/01/195418832 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Roxie Elizabeth Myers01/01/198918650 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Royal Ellis Snyder01/01/195617280 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ruben Powell01/01/199526911 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rufus Hudson01/01/196917602 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rufus Ray Wilson01/01/198018218 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ruth E. Regan-Spring01/01/192217365 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ruth Mildred Kachigian01/01/192717406 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ryan Allen Myers01/01/198918650 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ryan Carl Romero01/01/198518417 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ryan Dacarlos Simmons01/01/199718851 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ryan Marshall Fox01/01/199126496 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ryan Patrick Byers01/01/198718689 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ryan Thomas Boni01/01/198317200 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ryan Thomas Gamble01/01/198117709 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sabine Renate Oleary01/01/194517240 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Salome Nicole Cockern01/01/196917653 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Samantha Catherine Primm01/01/198727000 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Samantha J. High01/01/200218529 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Samuel Duane Banks01/01/197617601 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sandra Dunn01/01/195318645 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sandra K. Krause01/01/195118845 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sarah Elizabeth Dietz01/01/198718634 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sarah Gabrielle Dworetsky01/01/199017729 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sarah Jane Derry01/01/197317381 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sarah Leighann Lewis01/01/198717645 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scott Alan Chapin01/01/198418634 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Scott Alan Schumacher01/01/196518694 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scott Andrew Westervelt01/01/196518695 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Scott David Worthen01/01/197627115 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scott Edward Maifert01/01/195517461 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scott Lee Moore01/01/196417662 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scott Michael Boufford01/01/198317416 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sealisa Marie Stanley01/01/196917356 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sean Allen Devitis01/01/199117645 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sean Patrick Bolton01/01/196818609 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sean Patrick Brock01/01/199118230 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sean Robert Meixner01/01/198918678 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Senora Dee Norman-Johnson01/01/196926902 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Seth Anthony Perkins01/01/196318860 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shanice Tysha Thomas-Haywood01/01/198918868 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shannon Zandila Hollins01/01/197417638 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharlene J. Stout01/01/196318639 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharon Jean Mitchell01/01/196026560 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharon Lee Baker01/01/197826470 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharon Patricia Ott01/01/194117255 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shawn Aaron Floyd01/01/197618421 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shawn Adam Donn01/01/198017187 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shawn Callie Kosinski01/01/197317710 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shawn Marie Dery01/01/197717452 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shawna Lee Taylor01/01/198417638 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shawnta Monique Rosier01/01/198117437 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shaylin Sierra Moore01/01/200018618 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shehrebanoo Moiz Babujee01/01/194117358 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sheila A. Smith01/01/194818272 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sheila Marie Keller01/01/196617662 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sheila Marie Piskor01/01/195727065 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sheree Reed01/01/198717374 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sherri Kijafa Hughes01/01/197326965 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sherrie Burk01/01/195718455 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sherrie Marie Dobosy01/01/196818694 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sherrie May Milkovic01/01/195518404 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sherrill Ann Lefforge01/01/195117429 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sherry Ghassan Aoun01/01/194718609 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sheryl Lynn Mayer01/01/196317281 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shirley Ann Triffle01/01/195018625 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shirley Rosalyn Harris01/01/196318811 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shrita Shalonda Kellum01/01/198517406 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sierra Anne Markavich01/01/199518303 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sol Enith Garrett01/01/197017381 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Somer Nichole Williams01/01/198717381 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sonya Deniese Gilbert01/01/196827052 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stacey Ann Lonsdale01/01/198618684 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stacey Marie Bowles01/01/198517602 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stacy Scott Lawrence01/01/196018883 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stanley Eugene Little01/01/198317694 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie Ann Becker-Wright01/01/198426710 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie Anne Farrar01/01/197118305 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie Lee Keefe01/01/197418498 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie Lynn Rudis01/01/197527241 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stephanie Lynn Sawyer01/01/198818804 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephen D. Johnson01/01/195217637 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephen Erik Thomas01/01/198518677 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stephen Grutta01/01/195618484 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stephen Janoyan01/01/199517428 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Steve M. Biliunas01/01/196218610 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Steven Andrew Lavigne01/01/199118434 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Steven Dougles Mueller01/01/196918538 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Steven Duane Mason01/01/198618410 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stuart Wayne Rosenberry01/01/199017293 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sudakin Borza Kidd01/01/197017725 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sue Carol Kuehn01/01/194917365 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Susan Carol Ray01/01/195518657 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Elizabeth High01/01/196918529 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Joan Oblak01/01/195918329 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Kathleen Reeves01/01/194917453 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Kay Prew01/01/195618201 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Lynn Mayer01/01/196117300 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Mary Slepetski01/01/198517718 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan May Jones01/01/196918470 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susanne Mary Darcangelo01/01/196217203 Ryland, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Suzanne Jean Woolsey01/01/194917366 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Suzanne T. Wilson01/01/196117686 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sydney Janee Adams01/01/199317619 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tamer Louise Edison01/01/195617601 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tamika Lakesha Hartsfield01/01/197518255 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tammy Kay Howard01/01/195917315 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tandra Delphine Jones01/01/198517612 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tania Anita White01/01/196218497 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tanyanique Ursula Tavolette01/01/197617646 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tequilla Lasha Garrett01/01/196617462 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Teresa Mae Leverenz01/01/195418538 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Teresa Marie Fox01/01/198317366 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Teri Lynne Pisha01/01/195517451 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terrell Johnson01/01/197927095 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terri Lynn Cook01/01/197018713 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terrilyn Kenyata Smith-Twitty01/01/197417175 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terry D. Luke01/01/195518820 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Terry Lynn Wilhelm01/01/195627214 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terry Titus Hollingshed01/01/198718491 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Theresa Marie Lott01/01/196318291 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Theron Levar Parker01/01/198318204 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas A. Boni01/01/195317260 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Augustus Beck01/01/195818237 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Daniel Lewis01/01/194417690 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Thomas Gordon Wesley01/01/198126946 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Hedderich Scott01/01/196126730 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas J. Krause01/01/195118845 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Jerome Derry01/01/196317381 MacArthur, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Joseph MacH01/01/194717280 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Kargul01/01/196227248 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Matthew Brisbey01/01/198327380 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Ray Reaves01/01/198918402 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tilden Jeffery Swiney01/01/195818827 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Timothy Albert Smith01/01/195618677 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Timothy Allen Branch01/01/196427055 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Timothy James Dippert01/01/195226705 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Timothy Parrish Guth-Jones01/01/198518693 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Timothy William Morris01/01/197117686 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tina Sharee Boykins01/01/198326745 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Todd Elvis Miller01/01/197018876 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Todd Robert Reese01/01/197318433 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tommie Lewis01/01/196417220 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tommy Lee Carpenter01/01/195526496 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tonee Marie Thornton-Garrett01/01/198318413 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Toney Rose Sandlin01/01/193517326 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tony Edward Nipper01/01/196918416 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Torri Colleen Hamilton01/01/198818677 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tracey Lynette Stuckey01/01/196817749 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tracey Maurice Stone01/01/197027052 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Traci Morgan-Warren01/01/196918238 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tracie Janise Collins01/01/197326911 Santa Maria, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tracy Edna Morrow01/01/197218650 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tracy Smith Marnon01/01/197018456 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tratina Michelle Wright01/01/198718639 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Travis Charles Miracle01/01/199317422 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Travis Lee Gilbert01/01/197117260 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Travis William Smith01/01/199118684 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Trenton Damon Tigney01/01/200118222 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Trina Lynn Bunting01/01/197318410 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Trinell Michelle Malone01/01/197918201 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tristian Dior White01/01/199018626 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Troy Anthony Bunting01/01/197018410 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tyler Jordan Kittles01/01/199118214 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tyrese James Taylor01/01/200017326 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Valerie Ann Meyers01/01/195717685 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Valerie Nihad Savaya01/01/199517729 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vearlene Hartell01/01/193917381 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Veronica Antonia Amiot01/01/198318530 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Veronica Nicole White01/01/198918434 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vicki Lee Griffin01/01/196918300 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vicki Lynn Devitis01/01/195717645 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Victoria Ariel-elizabeth Gamble01/01/198417709 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Victoria Lynn Yee01/01/197017409 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vikki Lynn Cagle01/01/196418622 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vincent Ashley Stackhouse01/01/197117749 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vincent Edward Emery01/01/198227023 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Vincent James Zuzow01/01/195117548 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Violet Marie Smith01/01/194717453 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Virginia Ann Garcia01/01/194517452 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Virginia Clara Jacques01/01/194018621 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Virline Martin01/01/193818267 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Waleed Gyasi James01/01/199518804 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Walter Reginal Mills01/01/196818668 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Wanda Denise Gary01/01/195518711 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Wanda Louise White01/01/196618369 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Wayne Elston Vaughn01/01/195918260 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Wendy Lea Lebar01/01/196918276 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Wesley W. Buckley01/01/195718478 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Alan Hartley01/01/196026976 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Andrew Stenzel01/01/196117154 Ryland, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Arthur Robbins01/01/195118678 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
William Benjamin Dubose01/01/195818257 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Charles Langley01/01/194617233 Delaware Ave, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William David Kubit01/01/196617718 Gaylord, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William David Lloyd01/01/196117386 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Gerard Doyle01/01/196518719 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Jabari Malone01/01/198018201 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
William James Robinson01/01/197218875 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William James Tucker01/01/196118934 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Joseph Robbins01/01/197718305 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
William Matthew Trout01/01/197417429 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Michael Musselman01/01/198518428 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Willie Dean Aaron01/01/195618504 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Willie Earl Brown01/01/195527035 Bennett, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Willis Sharpe01/01/196727157 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Wilma Anita Rimson01/01/195427215 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Xeviohna R. Hayes01/01/200218819 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yarma Youku Beyan-Dennis01/01/197817406 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yolanda Kenyetta Foreman01/01/197527011 Westland Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yun Wang01/01/198017702 Fox, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Yvonne Denise Mongeau01/01/195618400 Poinciana, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Zarriyah Symone Washington-Williams01/01/200118685 Negaunee, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Zbigniew Grabon01/01/194617398 Denby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Zeke Matthew Smith01/01/198818442 Indian, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Zouhair H. Younes01/01/194718926 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted



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