
Western Wayne Today

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

How did Northern Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00007 residents vote in 2020 Presidential Election?

Webp dtjb1801

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Northern Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00007 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 1,416 of the 2,010 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 70.4% turnout, according to the Michigan Secretary of State.

The voting breakdown in Northern Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00007 reveals 21.4% of the total supporting Republicans, and 77.2% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 594 registered voters in Northern Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00007 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 2,627 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Northern Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00007, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Michigan Secretary of State oversees all aspects of the state's elections, working to ensure secure and accessible voting, as well as an accurate certification of election results.

2020 Voter Participation in Northern Township of Redford charter: Precinct Redford Township 00007
NameBirthdateAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
A. J. Schmoll01/01/194718418 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Aarielle Nchelle Williams-Leverett01/01/199017750 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Abrillia Cherriamour Larkins01/01/198718609 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Abritdeia Denise Larkins-Pettiford01/01/195918609 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Adam Morgan Gile01/01/199018411 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Adam Patrick Porth01/01/197718605 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Adama Faal01/01/198617320 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Addie Mae Wilson01/01/196617260 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Addison Quietin Walker01/01/199517190 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Addison Walker01/01/196517190 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Adnan Y. Saraya01/01/195817699 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Adrianne Eichenlaub01/01/196918695 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Aerial Shree Parks01/01/199317456 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Afua Afriyie Owusu01/01/196817675 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Agnes Ford01/01/193617515 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ailea-Kathleen Sabandal Achacon01/01/199017160 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Aisha Dearmon Badey01/01/197818477 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Aja Marie Gohl01/01/198717205 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Akia Renee Shabazz01/01/199817423 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Al Chris Standaert01/01/196718453 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alan Clare Moore01/01/194418801 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alan Dale Hedger01/01/196018870 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alan Eugene Chandler01/01/198618315 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alan Keth Reid01/01/195617415 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alan Kirby Warren01/01/197918441 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alan Roy Wendt01/01/194917358 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Albert Gerald McGee01/01/196617395 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Albert Nelson Rogers01/01/195118201 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alberta Evelyn Riedel01/01/192517675 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alexander Edward Wren01/01/198518645 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alexander John Mattia01/01/199417731 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alexander Joseph Riley01/01/199518664 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alexander Morgan Carroll01/01/199318303 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alexandra Jo-shaw Santana01/01/198218611 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alexandra Juliet Patron01/01/199518480 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alexandrea Brittay Davis01/01/199018433 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alexis Janae-toloyce Gray01/01/200218665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alice Catherine Weier01/01/193317116 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alici D. Smith01/01/198217271 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alicia M. Kolar01/01/197917224 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alicia Tiana Coles01/01/198617318 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alina Insaf Jawad01/01/198117742 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alisa Mae Cadoret01/01/198718472 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Allen Steven Curry01/01/199018864 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Allie Venoria Brooks01/01/192917364 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Allyse Marie Grant01/01/198817702 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Allyson Mary Estefan01/01/199218812 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alondre Bernell Barry01/01/198018605 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alonya Weaver01/01/197917429 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alonzo Ellis01/01/199518824 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alonzo Miller01/01/195418850 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Aloysius Patrick Hanson01/01/194417141 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alphonso Isaac Hill01/01/197817476 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alphonso Raymond Holmes01/01/193217489 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alvin Brewer01/01/197817475 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alvin Javon Brewer-McBride01/01/200217475 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alvin Linwood Hughes01/01/199917630 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Alyssa Mildred Jackson01/01/199518720 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Alyssa Therese Butler01/01/199117454 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amanda Christine Miley01/01/199017742 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amanda J. Ofarrill01/01/198917116 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amanda Leigh Dirette01/01/199418641 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amanda Sue Oesterling01/01/199418457 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Amaya Lynnette Quaker01/01/200218249 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amber Lynn Gordy01/01/198117636 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amber Michelle Childress01/01/198618465 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amber Tenet Brown01/01/199418616 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amelia Boynton01/01/193218274 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amor Delloro Adriano01/01/196818664 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Amy Beth Fatur01/01/196117318 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Amy Marie Wahlers01/01/197818507 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andre Dimitri Sarfoh01/01/199817380 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andre Nathan-maximillion Washington01/01/197417454 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andre Pierre James01/01/196217652 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrea Helene Guertin01/01/196817346 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrea Lachelle Garrett01/01/199317749 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrea Marie Pinchera01/01/198218674 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrew Bernard Buchta01/01/198517170 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andrew Cohen01/01/197218410 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrew Ian Meixner01/01/198617170 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Andrew Mark Champlin01/01/195817436 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrew Mark Chepin01/01/199618602 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Andrita Chiffon Sanford-McKisic01/01/197817695 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angel Lynnea Benson01/01/199818283 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Angela Deniece Davis01/01/197818283 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angela Denise Pittman01/01/196518612 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Angela Elaine Cammon01/01/196818818 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angela Elaine Jones01/01/199318499 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angela Jemia Harris01/01/199817615 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angela Maria Oliver01/01/195817474 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angela Marie Hinson01/01/197917661 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Angela Pryor Sims01/01/196017685 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Angela Rochelle Long-Jackson01/01/197118859 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angeline Loretta Joseph01/01/199317414 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angelique Mary Armstrong01/01/198117238 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Angellia Harris01/01/195718695 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anita Hartsfield01/01/195717605 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anita Louise Mack01/01/196217712 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ann M. Dorland01/01/196517673 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ann Marie Lusch01/01/195717200 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ann Marie Schneider01/01/196518202 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ann Mcilvaine Clasgens01/01/193818476 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anna Marie Fischer01/01/199117462 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anna Victoria Brooks01/01/199417730 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anne Christine Marks01/01/197417431 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Annette Marie Farmer01/01/194318424 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Annie Mae Hutton01/01/192718728 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Annie Pearl Love01/01/192417316 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthony Deshawn Miller01/01/199317309 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anthony Duwayne Cary01/01/196717248 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anthony Emery Shipman01/01/197618402 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anthony Gerald Mack01/01/198317437 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthony Jerome Jenkins01/01/198618489 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthony Johnson01/01/195817335 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anthony Joseph Bellanger01/01/198918828 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthony Leon Woods01/01/198918686 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthony Nobles01/01/198618687 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anthony Sean Taylor01/01/197017618 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Anthowon Donnell Thomas01/01/197418679 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Antione Lamont Wilson01/01/197318802 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Antoine Leeshawn Torrence01/01/198318481 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Antoinette Gulley01/01/196917301 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Antoinette Tamaria McDaniel01/01/199418516 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anton Joseph Deichert01/01/195817341 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Anton Priest Walker01/01/198517719 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Antonio Marcus Dunigan01/01/197718475 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Antonio McDaniel01/01/199618516 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Antuan Deshawn Davis-Featherstone01/01/198717190 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
April Cea Relleno-Borromeo01/01/198217454 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
April Cynthia Kendrick01/01/196018829 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
April Donielle Burise01/01/198217655 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
April Latrice Stevens01/01/197518202 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
April Lynn Flores01/01/197918473 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
April Lynn Stitzman01/01/196917214 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
April Maria Johnson-Williams01/01/196418466 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ardis M. Rutley01/01/194817641 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ariana Nyssa Hardoin01/01/198918259 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Arkeitha Sharee Jackson-Brown01/01/197317137 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Arlan Crystal Hearns01/01/196117606 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Arreil Lache Gray01/01/199818665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Arriea Anneka Haynes01/01/199018609 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Arthur Lee Taylor01/01/194917651 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Aryona Shanee Harris01/01/200218722 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ashia Malaya Perham01/01/198018427 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ashley Chantal-renee Washington01/01/198717602 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ashley Jermaine Montgomery01/01/197317272 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ashley Lauren Negron01/01/199018672 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ashley Loretta Franklin01/01/198317180 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ashley Marie Leak01/01/200017370 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ashley Marie Mathis01/01/199017373 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ashley Marie Mattia01/01/199718284 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ashley Marie Smith01/01/198618410 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ashley Shantia Templeton01/01/198818686 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Atasha Danielle Summers01/01/198218417 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Athena Marie Askew01/01/197418706 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Audra Autumn Roberts01/01/198418665 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Audrey Letelle Tyler01/01/195117505 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
August Lee Pelz01/01/194718510 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Aundra Carol Mallard01/01/194925330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Austin Javon Brewer-McBride01/01/200217475 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Austin Tyler Philo01/01/197717314 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Autumn Nicole Bundley01/01/199017728 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ayana Zakia Wilson01/01/198118680 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ayla S. Kimrey01/01/200118691 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara A. Stoddard01/01/196018637 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Barbara Ann Pogoda01/01/196418721 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Jean Bell01/01/195017529 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Jean Seberry01/01/194217331 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Jean Wertanen01/01/196518622 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara L. Pinneo01/01/195217431 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara Lynn Miles01/01/197118460 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbara S. Yokom01/01/195318820 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Barbi Grace Hardoin01/01/195518259 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ben Thomas Morris01/01/197918655 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Benita Lashell Harris01/01/197318402 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Benjamin Allen Williams01/01/199717696 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Benjamin Arthur McKaig01/01/200217346 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Benjamin James Colvin01/01/196718467 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Benjamin L. Evans01/01/195818869 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Benjamin Michael Jones01/01/196417737 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Benjamin Terrance Keels01/01/197217369 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Benjamin William Pace01/01/200018711 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bernadine Smith01/01/195217646 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bernice Gardner01/01/193117133 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Berta Nakagawa01/01/192817328 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Beth Ann Stasik01/01/197917390 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bettie Lee Hughes01/01/195217466 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Betty Elaine McDowell01/01/194417133 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Betty Ellen Schwesinger01/01/191917139 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Betty Jean Armstrong-Matthews01/01/193417101 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Betty Jean Cromer01/01/194117190 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Betty Jean Daney01/01/194717625 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Betty Joyce Liston01/01/192817302 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Betty Mae Wellman01/01/193717272 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Betty Marie Ortiz01/01/196317134 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Beverly Ann Greenwood01/01/195417311 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Beverly Jean Smith01/01/196218316 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Beverly Jean Taylor01/01/195517433 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Billie Denise Stoddard01/01/195918637 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Billy Jack Flores01/01/197518473 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Billy Lawrence Harton01/01/196417430 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Blaize Nikel Thompson01/01/199418201 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Blondie D. Johnson01/01/195217374 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bobbi Jo Morawiec01/01/196418602 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Bobbie Jean Hoskins01/01/194017374 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bobby Sonea Johnson01/01/197418614 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bobby Udo-emmanuel Brewer01/01/197225330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Bolden John Fisher01/01/194718300 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Bonnie L. Bondy01/01/196317684 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Brad David Shockling01/01/197917730 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bradley James Adkins01/01/198918644 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brandon Martin Stonebraker01/01/197818640 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brandon Paul Dewicki01/01/198518308 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Brea M. Ross01/01/199818483 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brehan Molly Bisbee01/01/199317350 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brenda Diane Hill01/01/195318889 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Brenda Lombard Vance01/01/194317211 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brenda Louise Smartt01/01/195217157 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brenda Lynette Stevens01/01/196217443 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brenda Rochelle Smartt01/01/196917157 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Brent Lee Wilkinson01/01/197018634 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Breon Nicole Clark01/01/199718445 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Brett Brendon Byrd01/01/200118456 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brett James Kusch01/01/199318441 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Anthony Wilson01/01/197118645 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Edward Estes01/01/198217311 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Evan Haist01/01/197018285 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brian Lee Beach01/01/194618704 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Brian William Hayhow01/01/198818641 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Briana Janae Smith01/01/199318241 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Briana Lashea Gibbs01/01/199518471 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Briana Lynette Miller01/01/199417309 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brianna Paige Kelly01/01/199517321 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brianna Stephanie Carter01/01/199918516 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Bridget Lee Klaver01/01/199518403 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bridgett Richaun Smartt01/01/198118415 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittany Aleice Griffin01/01/199117126 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittany Elise Hearns01/01/199417171 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittany Nicole Houston01/01/199018851 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittany Rachel Sajtos01/01/198718515 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittney Allena Alsup01/01/199017342 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brittney Simone Gross01/01/199318837 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Brooke Frances Timlin01/01/199518260 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Bruce E. Evans01/01/195617668 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cairis Artia Cooper01/01/197518210 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Caitlin Christina Dewicki01/01/198918308 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Caleb James Dean01/01/199517720 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Caleb Joel Harris01/01/200017615 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Camille Andrea Christian01/01/198018850 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Camille Simone Hatcher01/01/199917341 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Candace Love Johnson01/01/198918466 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Candace Mona Jones01/01/198918714 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carl David Martin01/01/197418722 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carla Ann Massey01/01/198418243 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Carlitta Elizabeth-roxanna Diggs01/01/199717709 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Carlos Dajuan-wesvon Johnson01/01/199117709 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Carlos Devon Rivera01/01/198818265 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carmen Juanita Carter01/01/195417180 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Carol A. Bastianelli01/01/194317453 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Ann Howard01/01/194017553 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Ann Ouellette01/01/194417225 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Ann Smith01/01/196218267 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Ann Sweeney01/01/196017614 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Ann Walker01/01/195818452 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Frances Maule01/01/195225330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carol Lynn Francis01/01/196118679 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Carol Lynn Williams01/01/195917696 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Caroline Kinsler Jonah01/01/193617135 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carolle Ann Patterson01/01/196918704 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carolyn Delina Wills01/01/196517430 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carolyn Dembo Miller01/01/196418618 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carolyn Diane Wright01/01/194718458 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carolyn Jean Matthews01/01/195017324 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carolyn Lambreth01/01/194717641 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carra Charnell Miller01/01/199517309 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carrie Jean Pickens01/01/198118907 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Carrie Marie Johnson01/01/198118655 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cassandra Alina Franklin01/01/199017334 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cassandra Denean Moore-Davis01/01/196718645 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cassandra Marie Kuehne01/01/198918467 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Catherine Fern Stevens01/01/193417443 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Catherine Hamilton Johnson01/01/194717313 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Catherine Mary Millman01/01/196018696 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Catherine Mary Taylor01/01/195118610 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cathy Ann Harper01/01/196218441 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cecil Bertrand Smith01/01/197317398 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Celestine Kwanza Hill01/01/197818679 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Centoria Lajoyce Perry01/01/199217613 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Chad Michael Brennan01/01/198917454 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chad Robert Thomas01/01/198117310 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chamarah Joi Boxley01/01/199017712 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chandelle Rene Burch01/01/198618431 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Chandra Lynn Kamminga01/01/198818266 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chanice Tayquana Jackson-Magwood01/01/199417626 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charlene Fae Robinson01/01/195018830 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Champagne McClure01/01/198418438 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Charles Clark01/01/194918688 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Edward Braggs01/01/198218676 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Charles Edward Wallace01/01/197118401 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Fredrick Flowers01/01/195817471 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Charles Henry Williams01/01/195917646 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Lewis Schlaepfer01/01/196418816 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Miller01/01/193817457 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Charles Neil Griffin01/01/195918516 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles R. Howard01/01/195518201 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Charles Reagin Mathis01/01/197617711 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Charles Ronald Brown01/01/196418608 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles Simon Robertson01/01/193918402 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Charles Stanley White01/01/196217272 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charles T. Knight01/01/197817660 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Charles William Wallace01/01/199918401 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charline Attles01/01/194617627 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charlotte Mae Reum01/01/197618645 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charlotte Nicole Cannon01/01/196718483 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charmaine Tanisha Slaughter01/01/198318501 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Charnette Oliia Reeves01/01/197918444 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chelsea Rose Clark01/01/199718688 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cheri Sue Escoe01/01/195817261 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cheryl A. Wiley01/01/195917333 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cheryl Ann Cates01/01/196117639 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cheryl Ann Howell01/01/196418408 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cheryl Anne Caskey01/01/195817398 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cheryl Elizabeth Goodwin01/01/195217463 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cheryl Frances Thomas-Askew01/01/200118706 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cheryl Lynn Ray01/01/196618317 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Chester Joseph Zuchowski01/01/195217138 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
China Tshara Warren01/01/197717321 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chinyere Dora Onwudiachi01/01/197618601 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chinyere Martina Malizu-Onyene01/01/196617212 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chris Faur01/01/196018860 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chris Sinelli01/01/196117720 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Chrisdiona Avery Williams01/01/199618870 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christa Frances Phillips01/01/199518711 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christa Michelle Doak01/01/198918601 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christian Dominique Davis01/01/200117712 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christina Kay Rife01/01/198517397 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christina Marie Petriches01/01/197418260 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christina Marie Smith01/01/197717371 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christina Moore01/01/200217650 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christine Susan Luoto01/01/195017370 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher A. Barksdale01/01/196517380 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher Allen Fountain01/01/198518412 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher Allen Williams01/01/196517696 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher David Newsome01/01/199317225 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher Deshon Stribling01/01/199317248 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christopher James Ely01/01/197217684 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher James Jeruzal01/01/196818605 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher Michael Hughes01/01/197417466 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher Michael Hughes01/01/199517466 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher Nicholas Pedit01/01/198617389 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christopher Paul Olmeda01/01/196817428 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christopher R. Brunette01/01/197118878 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Christopher Scott Linn01/01/197317331 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Christy Lorene Wood01/01/197417630 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Chufon Marie Conley01/01/197918851 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cindy Kay Fiero01/01/196817690 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Claire Rosemarie Knie01/01/199717646 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Clara Mae Strzalkowski01/01/199617721 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Clarence Lee Wilson01/01/196518499 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Claudia Margaret Szymendera01/01/196918243 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Claudia Marie Walker01/01/196018226 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cleveland Crawford01/01/196317465 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Clifford Jerald Hayes01/01/197818428 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cody Jean Doss01/01/199717323 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Colin Christopher McGorey01/01/198818291 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Colleen A. Butterfield01/01/196917721 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Colleen Lynn Longman01/01/196418420 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Collin Wilson Baldwin01/01/199417438 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Constance Ann Black01/01/196018234 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Constance Susan Knie01/01/196417646 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cordarel Markey Liles01/01/199118841 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Corey Alan Davis01/01/199518516 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Corey Allen Kaitner01/01/197717141 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Corey Deshawn Gaston01/01/197818901 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Corey Earnest-malik Reed01/01/200017180 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Corey Robert Tucholski01/01/199117730 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cornelia C. Spicer01/01/193518273 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cornell James Williams01/01/197517167 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cortney Shanae Johnson01/01/199418252 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cory Craig Reakoff01/01/196718802 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Courtney Elizabeth Markey01/01/199518483 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Craig Kraemer01/01/197817424 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Craig Lamonte Howard01/01/197318415 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Crisshana Shamora Reese01/01/198418218 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cristi Michelle Brumlow01/01/197918416 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cristine M. Torres01/01/195218647 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Crystal Devine Smith-Bomer01/01/198518458 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Crystal Latanya Alston-Smith01/01/197317398 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Crystal Lee Scott01/01/198118666 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Crystal Marie Lecoy01/01/198617225 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Crystal Monique Hill01/01/197917476 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Crystal Nicole Brown01/01/197417329 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cymone Sade Porter01/01/198817651 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cynthia Ann Marotz01/01/197918639 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cynthia E. Fraser01/01/196617116 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia Eileen Hoskins-Lester01/01/196618217 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Cynthia Evonne Mubiru01/01/195917711 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia Faye Clayton01/01/196717406 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia Lashawn Curry-Fleming01/01/197218864 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia Mae Morris01/01/194117304 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Cynthia S. Pelto01/01/194817221 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dajia Amber-rae Allen01/01/199617395 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dakia Marie Bradley01/01/198118490 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Damon Kennedy Pruiett01/01/196418877 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Damonte Antwan Cater01/01/198617685 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dana Marie Boulter01/01/197918856 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dangelo Sameeh Speed01/01/200117602 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel Cane Dean01/01/199218420 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Dean01/01/196517720 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel James Campion01/01/195717618 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel James Childerston01/01/197718719 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel James Holst01/01/195418673 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel James Holst01/01/198818673 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel James Purcell01/01/200018431 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel Jeremiah Sullivan01/01/195817676 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel Joseph McCleary01/01/199118412 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel Keith Borges01/01/195818601 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Lawrence Krashin01/01/196718706 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel R. Boulter01/01/194718856 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Scott Perkins01/01/196217690 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daniel Scott Vanhove01/01/198217350 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daniel Wayne Hoerner01/01/197818812 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Danielle Alexandra Dawson01/01/198517656 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Danielle Carolyn Walker01/01/199218452 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Danielle Estress Gardner01/01/197918267 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Danielle Marie Lilley01/01/198317138 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Danielle Thomasanna Denkhaus01/01/198317350 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Danise Michelle Allen01/01/196617710 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dantae Lauron Martin01/01/198318236 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Danza Nicole Agee01/01/197817395 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darian Lamarr Noel01/01/199017733 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darius Lee Myles01/01/199018860 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Darlene Adele Reynolds01/01/195017533 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darlene G. Ciarrocchi01/01/195217301 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darlene Louise Beal01/01/195117356 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darnell James Smartt01/01/200018415 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Darrell Anthony Donaldson01/01/197018273 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Darrell Lamont Brents01/01/198517454 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darrin Romell Lockett01/01/197918628 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Darryl Clarence Harris01/01/198617736 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Darryl David Walker01/01/196018226 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Darryn Leandre Cross01/01/196918681 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Daryl Lee Hayter01/01/195717744 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daryl Rene Delaere01/01/197318432 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Daryl Williams01/01/195417455 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Alan Willis01/01/196618663 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Allen McLeay01/01/195917361 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David C. Newsome01/01/195917225 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Clifford Cockrell01/01/194918474 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Edwin Robinson01/01/196318443 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David F. Cotton01/01/194817631 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David James Engel01/01/196418704 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David James Meldrum01/01/196917680 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David James Richardson01/01/197917352 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David James Rouse01/01/197118681 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David John Monette01/01/196018841 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Kevin Franklin01/01/198117180 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David L. Daane01/01/195318676 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Lamare Williams01/01/196918417 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Lee Miller01/01/194818500 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Lee Morris01/01/196717336 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Lloyd Conley01/01/195518468 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Luther Winfrey01/01/198817735 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Mbro01/01/197018687 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Michael Leclear01/01/197617650 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Micheal Bruno01/01/197218618 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Milton Milligan01/01/195717217 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Paul Leblanc01/01/198218408 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David R. Mays01/01/195218671 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Randall Parham01/01/196318686 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Richard Command01/01/200018856 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David Ronaldo Jenkins01/01/198318822 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Scott Hardoin01/01/196418259 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David T. Dean01/01/197618419 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Thompson01/01/197618878 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
David William Herron01/01/195417206 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
David Woodley Jonah01/01/193517135 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Davonta Damar Gohl01/01/198917205 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dawn Kivimaki01/01/194818815 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dawn Lynn Charter01/01/197618851 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dawn Marie Jaber01/01/196918810 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dawn Monet Lockett01/01/197818628 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dawn Renea Mockeridge01/01/197217271 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dayle Jacqueline Daane01/01/199818676 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Deann Margaret Allen01/01/197018634 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deborah Ann Cade01/01/195217647 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deborah Ann Donaldson01/01/194918273 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deborah Ann Eckridge01/01/195317643 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deborah Lynn Johnson01/01/195325330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Deborah Marie Livy01/01/195517134 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Debra Ann Gabrys01/01/196017310 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debra Ann Johnson01/01/195717331 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debra Ann Richard01/01/195818516 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debra Liberman01/01/195317113 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Debra S. Ponkey01/01/195117182 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dedric Damon Hicks01/01/197018682 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dejonia Shakira Mitchell01/01/199317430 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dejuan Mareo West01/01/197217749 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dejuan Rashaan Dennard01/01/199518465 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dekary Mckarl Stafford01/01/199517211 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Delano Marcellous Steen01/01/199117719 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Delois Wilson01/01/193617523 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Delon Demoin Wills01/01/199017236 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Delon Troy Moffitt01/01/197717441 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deloneo Leroy Rodgers01/01/199318660 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Delores Dereene Harris01/01/193417607 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Demetria Tileen Jefferson-Sears01/01/199218299 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Demetrius Kevin Tucker01/01/199018864 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Denise M. Kade01/01/197017381 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Denise Marie Decoster01/01/195317125 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Denise Marie Martin01/01/197418722 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Denise Susan McLaren01/01/196317676 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Denise Yvette Jones-Harton01/01/196817430 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dennis James King01/01/196217711 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dennis Leon Elrod01/01/194817637 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dennis Michael Walls01/01/196117247 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Deon J. Porter01/01/199618446 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dequan Ramon Thirkield01/01/197817390 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dequane Shawnte Stafford01/01/198418507 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dereck Michael Veenstra01/01/198818713 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Deron Benjamin Skazalski01/01/198617661 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Derron Lee Decoster01/01/198717125 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Deshawn Antoine Vaughan01/01/199318687 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Destiny Kalen-dshea Davis01/01/199417712 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Destiny Raye-anne Swichtenberg01/01/199417724 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Devon Martice Verdell01/01/199018703 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dexter Joseph Gordy01/01/198017636 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dia Geney Grant01/01/197818293 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Diajah Deannah-danye Ruffin01/01/199417395 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Diana Roberta Dinardo01/01/199917620 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Diane Hudson01/01/195117201 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Diane Lyn Beaman01/01/195417302 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Diane Therese Miley01/01/195717742 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dillon William-durron Hawkins01/01/199317342 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dina Karol Askew01/01/197917651 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dion Terrell Turner01/01/200018878 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Diondre Lewis Garner01/01/199018622 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dionne J. Hamilton01/01/197017720 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dionne Renee Thompson01/01/197017380 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dionne Simms01/01/197318877 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dmonique Ncole Richardson01/01/199217248 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dolores Kathleen McGee01/01/194917125 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dominic Michael Carlone01/01/197818645 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dominick Joseph Hubbard01/01/200218487 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dominique Kenchelle Grant01/01/198618407 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dominique Patrice Ali01/01/198517743 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dominique Shaunte Pope01/01/198718686 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Allen Hughes01/01/194417355 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald E. Moore01/01/197218801 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donald Leonard Robinson01/01/197417684 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donald Leonard Robinson01/01/199617618 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donald Ray Alexander01/01/196517720 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Ray Laymond01/01/197618722 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Renfroe01/01/194418715 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Smith01/01/197917613 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donald William Bartle01/01/196518251 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donald Young01/01/194717358 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna J. Thorp01/01/195417455 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Lee Paecht01/01/196118404 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Margaret Mack01/01/195717437 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donna Marie Dreffs01/01/195718258 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Marie Stephens01/01/196417730 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Marie Wahlers01/01/195918507 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Michelle Luce01/01/197218823 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donna Owens01/01/195517301 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Donne Jermaine Jones01/01/198318499 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Donnela Marie Taylor01/01/197617676 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dorian Dwayne Renfroe01/01/199117742 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Doris Earnestine Morgan-Lee01/01/194917147 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Doris Gwendella Lee01/01/194417361 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dorothy Anderson01/01/192517381 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dorothy Ann Payne01/01/196017370 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dorothy Ann Shannon01/01/196018680 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dorothy Jean Dematteo01/01/193425330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dorothy Mae Anderson01/01/193317274 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dorrean Amir-richard Riley01/01/199217339 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Douglas C. Pinneo01/01/194617431 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Douglas James Donahue01/01/195718500 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Douglas John Puz01/01/195617170 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Douglas Paul Debeliso01/01/194717389 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Duane Crank01/01/195417630 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Duanne Eric Lawrence01/01/196818489 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dwayne Deshon Truss01/01/200218438 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dwayne Edward Pickens01/01/196617735 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dwayne Edward Pickens01/01/199417735 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dwayne Keith Drake01/01/199218852 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dwayne Kevin Gilmer01/01/198318867 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dwight Jermone Smith01/01/195917310 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dwight Leshone Hicks01/01/197617148 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dwight Robinson01/01/197017466 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dylan James McNally01/01/198517229 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dylan Levi Lindeman01/01/199817476 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Dylan Reid Ritter01/01/199218266 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dylan Thomas Starks01/01/199317716 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Dymond Unique-nakara-symone Steward01/01/199018603 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Earl Phillips01/01/195118627 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Earline Reed01/01/195717711 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Earnestine Smith01/01/195318642 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ebone Sherell Colbert-Taylor01/01/198417750 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ebony Lynette Johnson01/01/197918827 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Edgar Omar Sedano-Rodriguez01/01/199218480 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Edna Pearl Roberson01/01/194618877 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Edward Anthony Zane01/01/197217610 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Edward Eugene Hunt01/01/198217115 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Edward Mack Anderson01/01/199218471 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Edward Martin Anderson01/01/198217345 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Edward Moraces Harden01/01/197418257 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Effie Marie Harris01/01/196617615 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eileen K. Kross01/01/195717674 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elaine Marie Sinelli01/01/196517720 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elana Lanora Watts01/01/199117190 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elin H. Nygord01/01/192417465 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elise Joy Wagner01/01/199718885 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Ann Jones01/01/194117373 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Ann Swindall01/01/194118865 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elizabeth Ashley Pfluke01/01/198918712 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elizabeth Dolores Howell01/01/194817605 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Jean Bungard01/01/196818641 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Lee Clasgens01/01/196318476 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Marie Milligan01/01/199117217 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizabeth Merle Miller01/01/192917535 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elizibeth Carol Muse01/01/199918446 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ella Josephine Miner01/01/196218285 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elliot Griffin Hardaway01/01/197917350 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elsie L. Brown01/01/193817142 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elson Thurvaughn Hayes01/01/197517650 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Elton Cobb01/01/195918488 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Elwillie Bowie01/01/192617268 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Emery Louise Dinardo01/01/200117620 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Emily Grace Brothers01/01/199018640 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Emily K. Sonheaver01/01/199617116 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Emily Lynne Kern01/01/199518842 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Emily Marie Pliska01/01/199618717 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Emily Renee Aufdemberge01/01/199718435 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Emmanuel Joshua Dean01/01/199417720 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Emmitt McGowan01/01/194317356 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Emory Duane Wright01/01/199018660 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Enjoli Marie Fournier01/01/198018625 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ephraim-John Delloro Durago01/01/198718664 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Alan Stencel01/01/195817212 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Alan Wendt01/01/198217358 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Eric Allen Wright01/01/198818402 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Andrew Rettig01/01/195818257 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Anthony Jiskra01/01/198018846 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric D. Smith01/01/197818435 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Eric Lamar Cromer01/01/197017190 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Eric Leander Wertanen01/01/197118622 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Mark Hearns01/01/196717171 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Paul Kreutzfeld01/01/196217373 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Pierre Warren01/01/197118717 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eric Renardo Carter01/01/199518419 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Eric Wayne Moore01/01/196017650 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Erica Lynn Ilich01/01/198218698 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Erik Harold-john Brady01/01/199917261 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Erin Catherine Jeruzal01/01/197918605 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Erin Marlene McLeish01/01/196117603 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Erin Michelle Lewis01/01/198217645 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Erin Moore Leary01/01/196118645 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ernest J. Dunbar01/01/196325330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ernestine Peete01/01/193517326 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Erra Luclar Watts01/01/197517684 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Estella Espinoza01/01/197018491 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Estella Nealy Gales01/01/194018401 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Estelle Cherrise Duncan01/01/195518293 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ethel Scarborough01/01/193918603 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Etta Louise Russell01/01/196018641 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Eugene Fuller Anderson01/01/194817122 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eugene Robinson01/01/194717156 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eunice Denise Johnson-Kilgore01/01/196517200 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eurecha Leshuan Andrews01/01/197418869 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Evelyn Lucille Schultz01/01/196518861 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Eylonne Felisa Anderson01/01/196517406 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ezekiel Daniel Urban01/01/199018691 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Fabio Bruce-cherbal Cervi01/01/197717378 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Fahd Miller01/01/199817167 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Faith Bonner01/01/200117260 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Felecia Dawn Goodwin01/01/196418721 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Fern May Herriotte01/01/194017214 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Flanora Dorethia Liggens01/01/198818834 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Flemia Nashaunda Peacher01/01/199618834 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Florine Epps01/01/193825330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Fontaine Rapheal Burney01/01/197218712 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frances Jean Clouser01/01/195218492 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Frances Jedonia Garrett01/01/193917333 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frances Louise Witten01/01/193717445 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frances Michele Knight01/01/197017619 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frances Morris01/01/194717235 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Francis Thomas Phillips01/01/195218711 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Francisco Mario Salinas01/01/195918210 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Frank Jermone Morris01/01/194217304 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Fred George Nagher01/01/198218686 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Fred Mathew Opificius01/01/198817685 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Freddie Mae Thompson01/01/193117132 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gaberielle Leshay Johnson01/01/198618815 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gabrielle Lauren Morales01/01/199118217 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gail Lynn Hill01/01/195718499 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gail Marie Warren01/01/196518635 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Galen Paul Kingsley01/01/199717334 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Garland Costello Ridley01/01/196817709 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Garry Alvin Hale01/01/197418491 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gary Allan May01/01/195318501 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gary Gale Taylor01/01/194118610 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gary Lynn Harper01/01/195718441 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gary Lynn Powell01/01/195117736 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gary Oh Dare01/01/197518415 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gary Philip Stevens01/01/195818428 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gary Ray Farmer01/01/195518650 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gayle Marilyn Daane01/01/199818676 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gene Anthony-ray Washington01/01/198717602 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gene William Marotz01/01/196818639 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Genesis Love Johnson01/01/198418466 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Genie William Smith01/01/195118308 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Geoffry Allan Bellaver01/01/197118484 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
George Allen Hutton01/01/198618671 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
George Lee Tipton01/01/197218415 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
George Michael Rossi01/01/198918617 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
George T. Sherfield01/01/195125017 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Georgia Dianne Deck01/01/195117233 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Georgina S. Alexander01/01/193417729 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gerald Bernard Mack01/01/195817437 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gerald Jonah Shananaquet01/01/197118233 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gerald Thomas Belcher01/01/194017334 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Geraldine Adamsjones01/01/194017264 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Geraldine Elizabeth Chennault-Ansley01/01/194517461 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Geraldine Yopp01/01/195417191 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gerard Brian Trujillo01/01/195818424 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gideon Michael Cline01/01/198418864 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gilbert Brule01/01/195318654 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gilbert Parker01/01/195017750 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gina L. Kirn01/01/197318299 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ginelle Monique Threatt01/01/198417310 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Giovanna Rosaysela Laboy01/01/196918638 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Glenn Edward Mitchell01/01/196217422 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Glenn Joseph Caskey01/01/195717398 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Glenn Tucholski01/01/195917730 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gloria Anne Ollar01/01/194217101 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gloria Anne Whittington01/01/193417312 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Glory Darlene Albo01/01/194625330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Glynn Pete Waymer01/01/195317154 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Grace Alexandra Feldt01/01/199418427 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Grant Lee James01/01/199617665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregg Alan Kaitner01/01/194917141 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gregory Allen Nelson01/01/196817150 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Allen Zuchowski01/01/195917138 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Augustus Isenhour01/01/198218468 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gregory James Johnson01/01/195718657 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gregory Louis Schneider01/01/196318202 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Ryan Colvin01/01/199018428 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory S. Bruce01/01/196817464 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gregory Thomas Martin01/01/197818722 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Greta Denise Byrd01/01/197218456 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Guillermina Edwards01/01/195717390 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Guinevere Felice Hadley01/01/197018870 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Gwen M. Burton01/01/195217717 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Gwendolyn Marie Williams01/01/197217434 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Haley Michelle Jordan01/01/199518612 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Hannah Leah-cohen Veenstra01/01/198918713 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Hari Christopher Vaughn01/01/197318434 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Harold Jerome Harris01/01/196517615 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Harold S. Allison01/01/194018822 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Hattie Mae Warren01/01/192817204 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Heather May Mees01/01/197618855 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Helen Denise Crank01/01/195717630 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Helen Jean Miles01/01/194517661 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Helen Payne01/01/193417519 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Helen Virginia Reynolds01/01/194325330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Henry Charles Dinkins01/01/197918315 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Henry J. Nishon01/01/193617382 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Hilton Ely01/01/195917641 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Hilton Ely01/01/198817641 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Hollie Lyn Stange01/01/198618803 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Holly Agnes Steffes01/01/195017601 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Holly Ann Strickland01/01/197818618 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ian Flynn-zachary Carter01/01/199818516 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Iesha Sharie Brown01/01/198318454 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ijeoma Debbie Onyene01/01/199817212 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ilene Beatrice Schneidewind01/01/193418484 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Imani Diane Stephens01/01/198718225 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Imogene Pruitt01/01/193617645 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
India Pendo-desiree Luke01/01/200218841 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Indya Renee Smith01/01/199118681 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Iola Byrd01/01/194817146 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Isaac Deshawn Harris01/01/197917211 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Isaac Joseph Butler01/01/199117454 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Isaac Miguel Hill01/01/200217476 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ismael Laboy01/01/196618638 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Israel Yahweh Sexton01/01/198518427 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ivy Rene Carmichael-Taylor01/01/195617651 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jack Jay Knight01/01/196517619 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jackie Denise Goodwin01/01/196517396 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jacob Alex Opificius01/01/199117685 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jacob Allen Butterfield01/01/199217721 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jacqueline Jean Nefsey01/01/196117660 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jacqueline Josephine Watts01/01/194717618 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jaeson Lamarr Bynum01/01/200018295 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jafar Haithman Shahwan01/01/198117248 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jaime Renee Dodge01/01/197918862 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jalen Andre Hardville01/01/199417651 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jalen Embry01/01/199618682 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jalen J. Tunstall01/01/199317712 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jalen Jarod Gray01/01/200018665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jalisa Simone Ruffin01/01/199117340 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jaliyah Tattayanni Thompson01/01/199617261 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jamal King01/01/198417405 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jamal Tyrone Ray01/01/198317629 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jameel Qadree Gardner01/01/197718267 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James A. Robinson01/01/196118704 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Alfred Revait01/01/196017676 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Andrew Hild01/01/196417471 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Clark Lewis01/01/198417645 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James Darryl Russell01/01/198917222 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James David Bailey01/01/195018500 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James David Roberts01/01/198118665 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Earl Gray01/01/197018665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James Earl Gray01/01/199718665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James Eugene Williams01/01/194317611 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James F. Collins01/01/196318801 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Harrell01/01/198717222 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James Henry Brooks01/01/197717601 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James Jhalma Drain01/01/197818235 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Kelly Barker01/01/199518201 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James Kelly Starks01/01/197017716 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James L. Kivimaki01/01/194618815 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Mckinley Steeples01/01/196317301 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Michael Clacher01/01/199617661 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James Norman Delisle01/01/195618704 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Patrick Treppa01/01/198218266 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Roy Jaber01/01/199118810 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James Smith01/01/193717646 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
James Tyler Spaman01/01/199218877 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James Vincent01/01/196317646 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
James William Gordon01/01/195817609 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jamie Lynn Rooker01/01/199117150 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jamie William Heller01/01/196818601 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jamika Lashawn Calhoun01/01/198518705 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janet Elizabeth Boulter01/01/195518856 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janet Kay Golembiewski01/01/196117445 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janet Marie Broschay01/01/194417710 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janet Sue Klos01/01/194917455 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Janice Ann Smith01/01/194817198 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janice Lashawn Tucker01/01/199318864 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Janice Marie Hartfield01/01/198118295 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Janie Maureen Cannon-Phillips01/01/196118711 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jasmin Clemiya Russell01/01/198817222 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jasmine Avis-latrice Stalworth01/01/199018859 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jasmine Nicole Wilson01/01/199518499 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason Adam Dean01/01/196517370 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason Alex Merrill01/01/200018210 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason Duban Abarca-Revera01/01/200117314 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jason Edward Brown01/01/197317351 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jason Michael Montefusco01/01/199917465 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason Michael Sherman01/01/197317235 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason Omer Babik01/01/197618629 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jason Richard Bridgeford01/01/197618485 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason Thomas Franklin01/01/198417334 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jason William Lewis01/01/198417180 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jatonia Shawntee Heard01/01/198717352 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Javante Joseph Coates01/01/199517369 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Javante Kenneth Davis01/01/199217380 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jaylon Marquis Payton01/01/200017126 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jayme Lyn Perry01/01/197018828 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jayme Nicole Garcia01/01/198518450 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jazante James Orr01/01/199818496 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jazmine Chanee Brown01/01/198918870 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jean Alice Pawlow01/01/194517182 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jean Ann Littles01/01/193417256 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jean Ann Oesterling01/01/196118865 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jean Deshan Shields01/01/197017630 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jean-Claude Max Cadoret01/01/197418472 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeanette Marie Carroll01/01/199418303 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeanne Marie Aufdemberge01/01/196318435 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeannetta Johnson01/01/196617335 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeannette Delores Ishmael01/01/196717464 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jearrod Lamont Vernon01/01/199018867 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffery Allen Milam01/01/195818501 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeffery Dean McGuff01/01/196817360 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeffery Linn Holley01/01/196717630 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey Andrew Babcock01/01/198618260 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeffrey D. Everman01/01/195317150 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeffrey L. Bork01/01/195017243 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeffrey Michael Dogonski01/01/197918515 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeffrey Scott Luyben01/01/197918869 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jenay Leslie Meister01/01/198218723 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jenene Andera Dawson-Bohlar01/01/197417656 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jenna Marie Poske01/01/199617302 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennie Ruth Amos01/01/193517695 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Capri McAfee01/01/198818671 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jennifer Eileen Doyel01/01/199218833 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer F. Sullivan01/01/196617676 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jennifer Grant01/01/195818646 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Harrison01/01/197117272 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jennifer Leigh Pepper01/01/197718218 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jennifer Leigh Sherman01/01/197417235 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Lynn Brennan01/01/197117454 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jennifer Lynn Zaske01/01/197317430 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Marie Moss01/01/198518420 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Nicole Daniel01/01/199517677 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Rae Barlow01/01/197318870 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Rose Ritter01/01/198118259 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jennifer Sherlyn Oesterling01/01/199118458 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jenny Robertson01/01/198618839 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jequan Derrick Bailey01/01/198918227 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeremy Barnes01/01/199218706 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeremy Hunter Flax01/01/199917710 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeremy Justin Brady01/01/198417445 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jeremy Keith Dukes01/01/198618492 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jeremy Stephen Tippett01/01/199018864 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jerome Cedric Austin01/01/196618249 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jerome Earl Davis-Evans01/01/199117380 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jerome Hollins01/01/197018679 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jerry James Pedit01/01/195817389 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jesha S. Brown01/01/198318454 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jesse James Deerinwater01/01/198217397 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jesse Walter Haag01/01/199418714 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jessica Lynn Sawyer01/01/199117115 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jessica Marie Meixner01/01/198817170 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jessica Monique-lynn Perryman01/01/199217301 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jessica Shantel Ware01/01/199317317 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jessie James Kilgo01/01/193917640 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jessie Pauline Collins01/01/194317397 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jesten Millhouse01/01/196418608 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jestina Destiny Howard01/01/199418420 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jiair James Levingston01/01/200017355 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jimmie Eugene Kilgore01/01/194817200 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jimmie Lee-chris Askew01/01/199318706 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jimmie Lou Foster01/01/193817366 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jo Ann Freeman01/01/195217115 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joan Lorraine Morgan01/01/194818424 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joan Marie Brewer01/01/194517473 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joann Adkisson01/01/194725340 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joann Kravutske01/01/195217367 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joann Leona Lietz01/01/195518655 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joanne Denise Newton01/01/197317658 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jocelyn Michelle Frazier01/01/195417485 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jodi Michelle Starks01/01/197417716 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jody Ball01/01/196117635 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jody Rene Ball01/01/198917635 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jody Sue McKay01/01/196618419 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Andrew Drutarosky01/01/194218667 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John C. Linderman01/01/197118809 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Christopher Sullivan01/01/195317676 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John David Brooks01/01/195518225 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John E. Pelto01/01/194417221 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Edward Delaney01/01/197018217 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Edward Johnston01/01/197618851 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Edwin Bruce01/01/196818685 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Everett Bonner01/01/199617260 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John F. Klimas01/01/196118631 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Frank Gary01/01/198317325 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Henry Manser01/01/194018821 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Junior Harris01/01/197318627 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Michael Telford01/01/195518601 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
John Thomas Buck01/01/197717390 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
John Thomas Moores01/01/198717284 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Johnnetta Cora-renee Barry01/01/198118605 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Johnnie Wilson01/01/197818658 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jonathan Edward Keller01/01/198317397 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Jonnae Ceria White01/01/199817665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jordan Alexander Blanchard01/01/199417334 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jordan Charles Mathis01/01/200017711 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jordan Crystal-cherelle Lee01/01/199817125 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Jordan Elijah Dean01/01/199717720 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Darrian Ely01/01/199017641 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Enzo Zerbini01/01/194917162 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Frank McGhee01/01/198017211 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph George Zabramski01/01/197417393 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph John Mattia01/01/195818284 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Lee Easter01/01/197518300 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Polzin01/01/198018872 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Thomas Arthur01/01/195325031 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joseph Thomas Champlin01/01/195817436 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joshua Antwon Hill-Barnes01/01/199118274 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joshua David Bolden01/01/199017445 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joshua Edward Tucholski01/01/198817730 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joshua James-earl Green01/01/199117317 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joshua Joseph Van-Y01/01/199017616 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joshua Paul Arthur01/01/199325031 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joshua Ray Negron01/01/199318672 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Joshua Ulyses McKinney-Blake01/01/200118445 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joy Edwina Wirick01/01/193618426 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joyce Ann Johnson01/01/194417629 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joyce Elaine Muhammad01/01/194717541 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Joyce Elayne Furgerson01/01/194817698 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Juan Anthony Williams01/01/196517665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Juanda Eileen Riley01/01/195517339 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Juanita Bryant01/01/194917390 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Judith A. Groves01/01/194217638 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Judith Ann Malott01/01/193918467 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julia Kai Newton01/01/200117658 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julian Deshaun Williams01/01/199418659 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Julie Anne Linderman01/01/197318809 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julie Evelyn Carey01/01/197018672 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julie Patricia Heller01/01/197018601 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Julius Edward Tharpe01/01/198318481 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Julius Randy Jackson01/01/197818428 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Justice Simone Thomas01/01/199517476 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Justin Dashaun Leak01/01/199817370 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Justin Lee Hines01/01/199118711 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Justin Whitney Blunt-Bell01/01/199718419 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Juwan Malik Taylor01/01/199617322 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kahron Demar Ogletree01/01/198817115 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kaitlin Marie Bastianelli01/01/199918408 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kala Jean Taup01/01/199417381 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kaliya Lanaye Knowles01/01/200017698 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kamal Samad01/01/194417640 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kara Illen-michelle Newsome01/01/199717225 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Denise Langley01/01/195517465 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Fielder01/01/195718211 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Karen Lynn Fellows01/01/196117630 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Lynn Tyminski01/01/198317248 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Lynn Vauris01/01/195718404 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karen Yvette Griffin01/01/197417272 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Karin Lorraine Allison01/01/194918812 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kasper Tirrell Mayweathers01/01/197518842 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Katana Rachela-maggie Johnson01/01/198318286 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Katherine F. Kallio01/01/194717618 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Katherine Grace Handy01/01/192925330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Katherine Lynne-antonette Sgro01/01/194417557 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathleen Jo Chepin01/01/197318602 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathleen Marie Mattison01/01/195318403 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathleen Marie Plesuchenko01/01/195817454 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathleen R. Ausland01/01/195017421 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kathleen Roth01/01/195918713 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kathleen Vedder Brule01/01/194918654 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kathrine Mae Brewer01/01/199018658 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathryn Bausley Irby01/01/196617666 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathryn Renee Hughes01/01/198218448 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathryn Sarah Estes01/01/198417311 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathy Ann Monette01/01/196318841 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kathy Dawn Wilkerson01/01/198017698 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kathy Lynn Anderson01/01/196317249 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kay Emerald Long01/01/199218656 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kaye Alyssa Campbell01/01/198118672 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kayla Lashe Kusch01/01/199518441 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kayla Lshaun Dixon01/01/200117350 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kayla Marie Starks01/01/199617716 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kecia Jaquice Milliner01/01/197317750 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keir Willim Bowyer-Turner01/01/199818705 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keisha Shawnta Chandler01/01/197618410 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keisha Tenille Beck01/01/197617735 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keith A. Eckert01/01/195418840 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keith Edward White01/01/196517342 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keith Gerard Besonen01/01/195517175 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Keith Lamont Ingram01/01/196725001 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keith Lamont Ingram01/01/199925001 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keleigh Rian Casper01/01/197717396 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kelley Remone Swartz01/01/196918466 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelli Marie Garry01/01/198818300 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kelly Ann Fleming01/01/196718696 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelly Jean Currie01/01/197918647 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelly Joseph Graves01/01/195717232 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelly Renae Davis01/01/195818516 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelsey Ann-marie Taup01/01/199217381 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelsey Cristina Turner01/01/199218427 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kelvin Skyler McDonald-Racz01/01/199818907 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kennedy Amber Taylor01/01/199617466 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenneth Alvin Miles01/01/197718460 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kenneth Anthony Johnson01/01/196117248 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenneth Dale Frye01/01/196818515 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kenneth John Romanik01/01/195317731 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenneth Keith Moore01/01/196617430 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenneth Mitchell Flowers01/01/198518802 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kenneth Raymond Ickes01/01/197217381 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenneth William Davis01/01/195918516 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenya Tawana Jennings01/01/197518675 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kenyetta Lashawn Ingram01/01/197525001 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Keonta Dure Anthony01/01/199818671 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Keori Ashley Pardon01/01/198818487 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kesean Odell Thomas01/01/199817285 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Andre Dubose01/01/197617711 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kevin Anthony Logan01/01/198717380 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Anthony Thomas01/01/198917116 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Courtney Albright01/01/198825025 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Fitzgerald Dubignon01/01/196817171 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Foreman01/01/199918265 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kevin Foston01/01/196617686 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kevin Hearns01/01/196417606 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin James Oesterling01/01/198418457 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kevin Jevon Reese01/01/198318218 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kevin Lamar Foreman01/01/197218283 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kevin Matthew Schwab01/01/197718674 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kevin Michael Best01/01/197217190 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Michael Carriere01/01/199318706 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kevin Michael Leads01/01/197717455 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kevin Patrick Hanley01/01/197817285 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kevin Walter Korczyk01/01/197817728 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kierra Rukale Carter01/01/198718685 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kierstyn Jalaina Slatinsky01/01/199218274 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kim Charrise Nelson-White01/01/195717272 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kim Denise Nelson01/01/196218703 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kim Elizabeth Overton01/01/195818490 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kim Lee Johnson01/01/195418655 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kim Marietta Newsome01/01/196517225 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Ann Barrow01/01/196617224 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Ann Merrill01/01/197018210 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Ann Stencel01/01/196017212 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Ann Stephens-Clayton01/01/198217390 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Ann Swan01/01/196417466 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Catina Perry01/01/197317730 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Denise Parker01/01/196718316 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kimberly Diane Koger01/01/196117661 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Edmonston Crawford01/01/196617465 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Jayneane Houston01/01/196218851 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Jean Taup01/01/197117381 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Joyce Blackstone01/01/197017212 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Kay Howes01/01/197118433 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Lakee Sugg01/01/199217355 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kimberly Lasha Austin01/01/197717360 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kimberly Leona Green-Taylor01/01/198318209 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kira Renee Embry01/01/199918682 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kirsten Grace Erickson01/01/198618832 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kishauna Joelle Thomas01/01/199817285 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kory Byron Johnson01/01/198218827 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Krista Marie Groves01/01/199118316 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kristejana Lejana Ali01/01/199618407 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kristin Anne-delfavero Morris01/01/197017336 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kristin Cherese Owens01/01/199017366 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kristine Marie Freeman01/01/194817302 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kristopher Armand James01/01/199217414 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kristopher Michael Wood01/01/197917454 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Krystal Sharmel Williams01/01/198018803 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kurt Lamar Frederick01/01/197018695 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kvone Glenn Williams01/01/200217434 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Kyla Renee Foreman01/01/200118265 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kyle Alarie Goodwin01/01/197218631 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kyle Andrew Papp01/01/198818691 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kyle Matthew Axline01/01/199217684 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kyle Patrick Murphy01/01/198817440 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Kyle Ward-bouton Krietemeyer01/01/198717414 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
La-Naya Ariel Harris01/01/200217173 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Labronte Diego West01/01/199318300 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lacinda Denice Luke01/01/196217160 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lajoia Fay Harrell01/01/198117415 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lakeisha Nicole McDade01/01/197618647 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lakeisha Polly Eaddy01/01/197717398 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lakeitha Annette Whitten01/01/197517125 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lakenia Youkue Payne01/01/199117370 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lakesha Antoinette Walker01/01/197818628 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lakeshia Shavone Lane01/01/198118283 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lakieba Laverne Jones-Massey01/01/196917365 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lakiya Yvette Pickens01/01/199917735 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lamar Glen Pardon01/01/198218487 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lamar Harrison Spralls01/01/195117651 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lameisha Airelle Beauchamp01/01/199717650 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lance Manuel Torrens01/01/196317471 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lance Mitchell-purifoy Peterson01/01/198518418 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lanesha Renee Dann-Hightower01/01/197717423 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lanisha Dorsinia Belton01/01/198017271 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Larry Curtis McGowan01/01/198818720 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Larry Davis01/01/195817712 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Larry James Walker01/01/195117322 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Larry Michael Ciarrocchi01/01/195017301 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lashanette Jeanue Keels01/01/197417369 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lashaunda Renee Singleton01/01/198118434 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lashawn Marie Edwards01/01/196918201 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lashawn Taylor01/01/197117685 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lashira Shauntis Champion-King01/01/198117405 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lashonn Suzette Thomas01/01/196417476 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latara Ciera Jones01/01/198718714 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latascha Marie Chapple-Moses01/01/197218418 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latasha Shantel Albert01/01/198718620 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Laterria Monique Tate01/01/197418219 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latia Shawnta Searcy01/01/198217211 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latonya Austin01/01/196818249 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latonya Michele Hicks01/01/197417148 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latonya Yvette Pickens01/01/196917735 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latoya Renee Mosley01/01/198117358 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latrice Rayshaun Young01/01/198518483 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Latricia Denise Lee01/01/197017623 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Laura Ann Brown01/01/195217698 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Laura Frazier01/01/193825330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Laura Jean Hopkins01/01/194417247 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Laurel Anne Brunet01/01/196017684 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lauren Marie Satlowski01/01/198417284 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Laurence Joseph Williams01/01/198317323 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Laurie Ann Herron01/01/195817206 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Laurie Green Kimrey01/01/197118691 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Laurina Rae Barlow01/01/198918870 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lauryn Lanyea Lofton01/01/199717700 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Laverne Alsup01/01/195817342 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lavon Brian Thomas01/01/198018266 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lavonne Latese Fuller01/01/197317455 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lawanna Long-White01/01/197017665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lawrence Edwin Aune01/01/194417360 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lawrence J. Rigley01/01/194917736 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lawrence Kresge01/01/197417406 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Layawn Brown01/01/198817302 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Leah Nicole McKay01/01/199018419 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Leandra Chanty Steens01/01/200018283 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ledetra Rachelle Lindsey01/01/198617320 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Leesa Wilburn01/01/196918879 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lela Jasper01/01/192025330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Leland Harvey Scott01/01/194917397 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lemesha Marie Heard01/01/198917685 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lemuel Dale Gilmer01/01/198218867 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Leo Anthony Majewski01/01/192717377 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Leona Ida Gates01/01/193117151 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lerhon Alsup01/01/198617342 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Leroy Robert Arthur01/01/199125031 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lesia Ann Steeples01/01/196517301 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lesia Heath01/01/196717171 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lesley Marie Patefield01/01/196617167 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Leslie Renee Tippett01/01/196218864 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lessie McGill01/01/193617323 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Letitia Owens01/01/195717366 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Levia Dona Welch01/01/198118234 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Ann Gowans01/01/196517181 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Ann Robinson01/01/195617455 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Ann Wesley01/01/196217709 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Carol Price01/01/195117615 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Cynthia Goodson01/01/197018810 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Gale Peterson01/01/195418418 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Louise McGowan01/01/195718610 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Marie Collins01/01/195617381 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Marie King-Ball01/01/195717635 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Marie Wieczorkowski01/01/194717454 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Linda Susan Owens01/01/194925330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lindsay Blair Ford01/01/198518706 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Linzie Lamar Evans01/01/199517380 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lisa Ann Bruce01/01/196618685 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lisa Carol Famiano01/01/196717260 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lisa Denise Webber01/01/196318833 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lisa Marie Burrows01/01/197617650 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lisa Marie Goodwin01/01/199818721 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lisa Marie Gordon01/01/198018649 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lisa Marie Key01/01/197918689 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lizzie Robinson01/01/194017156 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lois Lurlene Washington01/01/194517351 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lois Shumaker01/01/192717733 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lonnie Joe Thomas01/01/198218500 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Loraine Thelma Jackson01/01/195317669 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lori Ann Millross01/01/196317734 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lori Anne Brown-Leak01/01/196517370 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lori Burack01/01/196218861 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lorna Carlone01/01/194718645 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lorna Michelle Dean01/01/197117720 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lorne Donald Davey01/01/193718292 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Louis Rayvon Crawford01/01/198318425 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lucien Corey Lofton01/01/197417700 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Luke Daniel Brindley01/01/198918658 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lynda Diane Hanley01/01/194817285 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lyndsey Nicole Abramson01/01/198718273 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lynette Loretta Fikes01/01/195417606 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lynn Marie Rogers01/01/196417741 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lynnda Marie Sweeney01/01/195517350 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Lynne Leone Merrifield01/01/194917738 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Lynne Wendt01/01/195417358 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Madeline Charlotte Crossman01/01/199417413 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Madison Grace Jordan01/01/200218711 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mae Alexandra Manser01/01/195818815 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Magdalene Johnson Hanson01/01/194617141 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mandy Yvonne Grabow01/01/197817622 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Maravilla Rose Dodson01/01/195917251 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marc Anthony McGowan01/01/198318610 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marc Michael-alvin Greenwood01/01/197917311 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marc Richard Luce01/01/197118823 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marc Shawn Essex01/01/197617351 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marcell Lafleur Edwards01/01/197317181 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marcia Elizabeth Turner01/01/198018705 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margaret Anna Roggow01/01/194718630 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Margaret Jean Heath01/01/194917661 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margaret Katheryn Moore01/01/194518706 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margaret Louise Hightower01/01/194117221 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margaret Mary Morawski01/01/196717431 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margaret N. Roggow01/01/197118630 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Margaret Olivia Sharpe01/01/195918834 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Margo F. Przybylo01/01/197317126 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Maria Luisa Rojas01/01/195117333 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Maria Mae-florence Johnson01/01/198517660 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mariah Shabrell Mitchell01/01/200017438 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marianna Darielle Nelson01/01/199918444 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Marie Banks01/01/194517104 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Marie Dawn Delaere01/01/197618432 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marie T. Sherfield01/01/196025017 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marietta Lee Norkooli01/01/196318508 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marilyn Campion Maher01/01/193217310 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marilyn Fate Wilson01/01/195618275 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marilyn Louise Pedit01/01/196017389 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Marilyn Moore01/01/196217650 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marilyn Sandoval01/01/195518448 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mario Antone01/01/198217602 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mario Laforzo Clincy01/01/199117465 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Marisa Bianca Hunnicutt-Mitchell01/01/199817438 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marjorie Faye Zane01/01/195117610 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mark Alan Raszkowski01/01/197918839 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mark Allen Herrin01/01/197117670 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Alvin Greenwood01/01/195417311 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Benjamin Banks01/01/199117475 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mark Gregory Chepin01/01/196918602 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark J. Nefsey01/01/196317660 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark John Fellows01/01/196017630 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Joseph Pogoda01/01/196118721 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Raymond Ackerman01/01/196318704 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Richard Aren01/01/195818438 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Steven Howes01/01/196218433 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mark Trujillo01/01/195718424 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Marlene Jean Brunet01/01/193818645 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marlene Smith01/01/196018241 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marquita Alberta-shalonda Hall01/01/198217476 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Martez Mycle-weems Smith01/01/200118438 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Martha Ann Ackerman01/01/193318704 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Martha Helen Bisbee01/01/196617350 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Martina Marie George01/01/198318418 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Marvin Ewing01/01/197118665 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mary A. Wilson01/01/194618630 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Alice Glenn01/01/192817112 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Ann Slater-Salinas01/01/195518210 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Anne Maciag01/01/195217149 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary C. Bryson01/01/194217627 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mary C. Gregory01/01/195818646 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mary Elizabeth Clark01/01/194317725 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Ellen Baker01/01/193817134 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Ellen Partlow01/01/194517459 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Frances Lewis01/01/194517321 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Helen Terry01/01/194317310 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Hocking01/01/196218307 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mary Jean Rogers01/01/195618201 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Joanne Muscat01/01/193417149 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Kathleen Carter01/01/196618516 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Lee Summerhill01/01/193417372 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Louise Dobson01/01/193517255 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Louise Flynt01/01/193417216 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mary M. Kuncz01/01/192817631 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Margaret Comeau01/01/194718634 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mary Margaret Kinnear01/01/194618642 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Matthew Andrew Tuynman01/01/197418236 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Matthew David Brunet01/01/199917684 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Matthew Fredrick Powell01/01/198217736 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Matthew Jason King01/01/199018673 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Matthew Miley01/01/195817742 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Matthew Parks01/01/199217456 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Maurice Eugene Scruggs01/01/197118711 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Maurice Levell Crain01/01/198618621 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mavis Owusu Asante01/01/200017675 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Maya Anderson01/01/198418862 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
McKinley Patrick Phelps01/01/194817213 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Megan Laura Brule01/01/198718654 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Megan Leigh White01/01/199418315 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Megan Marie Tippett01/01/199218864 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Megan Rae Johnson01/01/199018286 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melanie Dawn Hamilton01/01/196618202 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melanie Long01/01/196217665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melanie Lynne Linn01/01/197717331 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melanie Noelle Thompson01/01/198918201 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melayna Lee Heller01/01/199818601 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melba Joyce Hawk01/01/194317531 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melesia Monique Ortiz01/01/198917134 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melisa Jean Kovick01/01/196718687 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melissa Ann Humphrey01/01/197418300 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melissa Ashley Milligan01/01/199017217 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Melissa Axline01/01/197417684 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Melissa D. McDonald01/01/195818907 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melissa June Arwood01/01/198318831 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Melitha Subrina Jones01/01/198318821 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melody Ann Burton01/01/195817601 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Melody Ann Moore01/01/196618711 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melonique La-premuim Martin01/01/198318236 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melvin Douglas Edwards01/01/199317390 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melvin Douglas Edwards01/01/195217390 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Melvin Patrick Kyler01/01/196917389 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mercedes Lashay Dallas01/01/199318650 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mercedes Walker01/01/194425330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Merlin Edward Kyler01/01/196317389 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mia Elizabeth Nelson01/01/198717749 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mia Lynn Fellows01/01/199817630 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mia-Necole Tilyce Steens01/01/199818283 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Allen Axline01/01/197117684 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Andre Laymond01/01/198218722 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Andrew Whitlow01/01/199225025 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Anthony Brisch01/01/199918714 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Anthony Leak01/01/196317370 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Anthony Sandoval01/01/194718448 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Arthur Bisbee01/01/196517350 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Brandon Palmer01/01/200018719 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Christopher Norman01/01/199117225 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael D. Sullivan01/01/195217676 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Darnell Hadley01/01/196818870 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael David Samson01/01/196618488 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Devon-jesse Leak01/01/199517370 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Edwards01/01/200018201 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Edwin Erickson01/01/198718832 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Isiah Clayton01/01/198217390 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael J. Hayes01/01/195018202 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael James Bastianelli01/01/198118408 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael James Furlong01/01/196017331 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael James Pomeroy01/01/196218623 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael John McCaffery01/01/195317465 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael John Spicer01/01/196518508 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael John York01/01/195318225 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Joseph Brintnall01/01/198718273 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Joseph Joins01/01/195518696 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Keener01/01/196025025 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Keller Vaught01/01/195618459 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Louis Liddell01/01/197817619 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Louis Toney01/01/195517606 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael M. Macek01/01/195217317 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael M. Totten01/01/198818706 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael P. Kallio01/01/197117618 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael P. Venuto01/01/196917302 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Richard Brown01/01/195818265 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Robert Allen01/01/196718634 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Scott Fields01/01/197817630 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michael Thomas Stafford01/01/196617690 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Thomas Williams01/01/195117284 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michael Torres01/01/198418516 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Micheal Ryan Teeley01/01/199517321 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michele Kristen Faur01/01/196618860 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Aimee Smith01/01/197717371 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Denise Ryan01/01/196318473 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Denise Wilson01/01/197518802 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Kathleen Huska01/01/195417321 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Lynn Brown01/01/198418265 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Lynn Corliss01/01/197218242 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Marie Antone01/01/198317602 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Marie Evans01/01/198317668 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle Renee Blake01/01/197018445 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Michelle T. Turner01/01/197518681 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Michelle Tammy Tyus-Hatcher01/01/197117341 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mildred Carmella Dallacqua01/01/193117301 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mildred Fortune01/01/194217619 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mildred June Kennedy01/01/195617273 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Mildred Lorrainia Glinton01/01/192725330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Minnetta Thomas01/01/193417332 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mirna Esmeralda Gonzalez01/01/198218209 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Molly Jane Dogonski01/01/195618515 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Monacal Chimere Peoples01/01/198218655 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Monica M. Evans01/01/195617668 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Monique Jean Chavarria01/01/198417340 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Monique Latanya Smith01/01/199217398 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Monizue Shelia Dean01/01/198318419 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Morrin Aurora-lemon McGunagle01/01/199318306 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Murray Joseph Muscat01/01/195617149 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Myah Taylor Fellows01/01/199917630 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Mychell Darla Aren01/01/195718438 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Myrna Louise Mitchell01/01/193217346 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Naimah Ihsan Hines01/01/198317209 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nakia Galyn Glasper01/01/199518665 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nancy A. Foley01/01/193917734 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Allen01/01/196017745 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nancy Ann Shepherd01/01/197018249 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nancy Ann Stolt01/01/194317355 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Dawn McLeay01/01/195517361 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Elizabeth-flowers Reakoff01/01/196618802 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nancy L. Dmytro01/01/195517744 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Lee Roy01/01/194317639 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Lou Painter01/01/193117201 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Louise Herouard01/01/195317340 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Marie McClain01/01/196317260 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Marie Mulligan01/01/195517446 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nancy Maureen Summers01/01/198817361 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Napoleon Jourdan Nelson01/01/198318703 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Napoleon Nelson01/01/195518703 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Natasha Katrice Youngblood01/01/197917397 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Natasha Ryan01/01/198518473 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Navon Dakarri Shavers01/01/199918822 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Navonna de Shavers01/01/197718822 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nelson Leo Lee01/01/199317651 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Newell Allery McGath01/01/197018842 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nicholas A. Bustos01/01/198318850 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nicholas Harry Schneider01/01/199218800 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nicholas Hohn Pickard01/01/199017610 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nichole Danielle Brown01/01/197418616 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nichole Marie Carlisle01/01/198718428 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicole Annette Gulley01/01/197217375 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicole Antoinette Thompson01/01/196918201 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Nicole Ashley Bolt01/01/199818488 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicole Heard01/01/197317685 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nicole Mackenzie Salazar01/01/199417341 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nikita Marie Walker01/01/199018226 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nikkita Daitoni Morgan01/01/198018606 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nnamudi Stephen Onwudiachi01/01/197618601 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Norah Adnan Saraya01/01/200217699 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Norine A. Bourke01/01/194118602 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Norvel Grady Calhoun01/01/193517471 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nykea Anderson01/01/198118862 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Nzinga Bibi Carbin01/01/197517189 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Octavia Rene Marquess01/01/197318816 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Offiong Jonna-alisse Freeman01/01/198417709 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ok Sun Phelps01/01/194817213 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Olivia May Caloia01/01/199818626 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Olivia Rochelle Clemons01/01/198918492 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Omar Lajuane Butler01/01/199617441 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Orion Scott White01/01/199218315 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Oscar Gabriel Cervantes01/01/198218515 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Otis Claude Simmons01/01/193917325 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Otto Franziscus Pringle01/01/197418852 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Pa Alasan Faal01/01/197517320 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paige Evelyn Samson01/01/196918488 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pamela Ann Meredith01/01/195625330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Pamela Annette Williams01/01/196517396 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pamela Jean Powers01/01/196017322 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Pamela June McCullough01/01/196717302 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pamela Louise Joins01/01/195618696 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pamela Marlene Kidd01/01/196317531 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Parise Janel Jordan01/01/198817301 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Parnell Keymarr Booker01/01/199518604 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Ann Frendo01/01/195118468 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Ann Hall01/01/195317212 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Marie Feldt01/01/195418427 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Marie Standtke01/01/194917619 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Maurine Kolar01/01/194617224 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patricia Smith01/01/196817742 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patrick August Weier01/01/193517116 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patrick Barrie Brown01/01/196817351 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Patrick Thomas Hayes01/01/198118435 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Patrick Yves Delloro01/01/199318664 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paul Andrew Much01/01/196317698 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Paul Anthony Lusch01/01/195817200 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paul Christopher Bury01/01/196618307 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paul Christopher Rogers01/01/199518201 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paul Edward Reum01/01/198618645 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Paul Gary Hiller01/01/194018644 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paul William Aufdemberge01/01/196418435 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paul-Michael Blake Chenault01/01/200017374 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paula Anne Walters01/01/193717252 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paula E. Williamson01/01/194517391 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paula Nagy01/01/194817341 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Paulette Marie Adams01/01/194818417 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Pauline Edwina Beard01/01/198817236 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pearl Joyce Martin01/01/194917509 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Penelope Allison01/01/194218822 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Penny Amison-Doley01/01/196017320 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Peter Anton McCleary01/01/195218412 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Peter James Schwartz01/01/196217125 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Peter Joseph Bellanger01/01/197317676 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Peter Julio Santana01/01/197418611 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Phaedra Antoinette West01/01/197517749 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Philip George Shapardanis01/01/195617413 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Phillip Avery Williams01/01/196718870 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Phillip Matthew Riley01/01/196318664 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Phyllis White01/01/193617137 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Pier Simone Edwards01/01/200118201 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Porsche Charde Clubreath01/01/198918611 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Precious Janae Jackson01/01/199418859 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Priscilla Ann Gibbs01/01/196918471 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Priscilla Turner01/01/198518268 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Quentin Ryan Harris01/01/198718267 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Quillie Mae Ealy01/01/193917343 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Quincy Fears Jackson01/01/198617669 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rachel Ann Rogers01/01/199117741 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rachel Babas Silao01/01/195018510 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rachel Grace Caloia01/01/199618626 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rae Lynn Harvey01/01/195918642 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rafael Montez Fuller01/01/199917455 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rajon Brown Taylor01/01/198417750 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ralph Moses01/01/194818418 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Randall Lawrence Belanger01/01/196918907 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Randall Stephen Taylor01/01/198417320 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Randall Thomas Clayton01/01/195717406 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Randolph Damon Scott01/01/199218812 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Randy Lee Collins01/01/195917381 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rania Salem Amer-Saraya01/01/197517699 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Raven Mariah Levingston01/01/199317355 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ray Anthony Cammon01/01/197118818 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raymond Edward Golembiewski01/01/195817445 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raymond Kevin Piron01/01/196218638 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raymond Michael McGowan01/01/195718610 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raymond Navorro Lowe-Anderson01/01/198718620 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Raymond Nicholas Manser01/01/196018815 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raymond Nicholas Manser01/01/198818815 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Raymond Slay01/01/193818401 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rayn Cassandra-arie Leonard01/01/200118427 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rayna Cammon01/01/200118818 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Reanna Renee Walker01/01/200117190 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rebecca A. Finnegan01/01/198017685 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rebecca Ann Robertson01/01/198818698 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rebecca Jean Stewart01/01/199018492 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rebecca Lawson01/01/191925330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rebekka Lynn Hughes01/01/197817466 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Regina Lynn Wallace01/01/195818811 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Regina Maria Napier01/01/195518831 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Reginald Duane Ford01/01/197018266 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Reginald Duane Johnson01/01/196417309 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Reginald Dwayne Stafford01/01/197617211 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Reginald Lee Brantley01/01/196117226 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Remi Monique Napier01/01/199318831 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rena Rachell Albert01/01/196918620 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rene Dalphine Crawford01/01/196218425 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Renee Brisch01/01/196318714 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Renee Lashay Williams01/01/199018445 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Renee Lynn Bailey01/01/197918500 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Renee Michelle Brady01/01/198517445 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Renee Walker01/01/196717190 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Renita Smelley01/01/197318879 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rhonda Denise Alsup01/01/195917342 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rhonda Denise Douglas01/01/199118703 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rhonda L. Paxson01/01/196617201 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rhonda M. Heath01/01/197618404 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rhonda Monica Napier01/01/195818831 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Richard Alfonzo-anthony Barber01/01/200018682 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Anthony Sims01/01/196518436 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Richard Ashley Thumm01/01/196117601 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Bernard Doley01/01/196417320 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard C. Conradson01/01/195017365 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Richard Charles Fournier01/01/194318625 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Richard E. Vaughn01/01/193517151 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Edward Abraham01/01/195318840 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Richard James Smartt01/01/195017157 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Lawrence Broschay01/01/194117710 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Richard Victor Nygord01/01/196217465 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rickey Edwards01/01/197517236 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ricky Jerome Hyler01/01/197018315 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Risa Nicole Anderson01/01/197917438 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robbieteen Simmons01/01/194417325 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Alan Keller01/01/196917350 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Andrew Allen01/01/196918634 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Arnold01/01/197917126 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Daniel Edwards01/01/199117620 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Edward Rankin01/01/196518811 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Elick Willis01/01/193117102 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert George Gadsby01/01/194818259 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert J. Przybylo01/01/197017126 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert James Brown01/01/196517351 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert James Brown01/01/193717351 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert James Mees01/01/195518855 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert John Hoffman01/01/194817630 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert John Huska01/01/194217321 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Laroy Carbin01/01/196917189 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Lawrence Engram01/01/199718834 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Lawrence Engram01/01/197018834 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Lee Dixon01/01/199918448 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Lee Hanley01/01/194317285 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert M. Carter01/01/196518516 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Milton Pokerwinski01/01/197018241 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Napier01/01/197318656 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert Raymond Hanley01/01/197517285 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert S. Tippett01/01/196118864 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Scott Collins01/01/195625009 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert Sherwin Ziegler01/01/196917362 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert White01/01/197017363 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert William Burise01/01/198317655 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robert William Charlton01/01/196717413 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Robert William Lewis01/01/199118316 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Roberta Elissa Drutarosky01/01/194718667 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Robin Sue Sigworth01/01/195617371 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rochelle Denise Beauchamp01/01/197417650 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rochelle Henry01/01/196017344 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rochelle Lynette Coggins01/01/196618209 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rocky Carlos Gonzalez01/01/197918209 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rodger Cozart01/01/195417180 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rodney Duane Smith01/01/195217742 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rodney Eugene Palmer01/01/197017190 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rodney Terrell Payne01/01/198218862 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rodolfo Ramos-Munoz01/01/198617302 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rolonda Denise Blackmon01/01/199218824 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rommel Raras Bayani01/01/196418637 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Romona Fay Paschall01/01/195417430 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Artmann01/01/196318696 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Edward Copeland01/01/195217686 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald J. Dorland01/01/196317673 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald James Alvord01/01/196518626 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ronald Ponkey01/01/195217182 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Wardell Washington01/01/198017340 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Wayne Lynch01/01/194617206 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronald Yonushewski01/01/194918485 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ronetta Michelle Ryan01/01/199118473 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rose Bernadette Teeley01/01/197117321 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rose Mae Jones01/01/192517203 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Roseann Trujillo01/01/192718424 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rosemary Rouse01/01/195018681 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Rosenah Delloro Durago01/01/196318664 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Roshena Deneice Stafford01/01/198217211 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Roslind Camille Harris01/01/195817636 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Roxanne Marie Welyhorskyj01/01/196317720 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Roy Allan McNally01/01/196117229 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Roy Lee Falbo01/01/197518250 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ruby Jean Jenkins01/01/194918822 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ruby K. Caril01/01/193025330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Rueben Gunsch01/01/191618856 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Russell Gerard Wahlers01/01/195818507 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ruth Ann Rager01/01/196617247 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ruth Ann Wakeley01/01/194617198 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ruth Drusill Leverette01/01/195617621 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Ruth Rios-Castillo01/01/197617333 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ryan Alan Pepper01/01/197818218 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ryan Alexander Willis01/01/199218663 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ryan Collin Snyder01/01/198818457 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sabrina Renee Hughley01/01/198518843 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sabrina Tennille Evans01/01/197617380 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sadie-Anne Arlene Miles01/01/199918460 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Saivion Emmanuel-antoin Shaver01/01/200217451 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sakinah Renai Ramzah01/01/199518210 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Samantha Jo Frendo01/01/198418468 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Samantha Lynne Hamilton01/01/198518202 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Samantha Marie Blouin01/01/199017349 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Samara Emile Halabi01/01/198818870 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Samer Edward Youmans01/01/198118652 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Samuel Josiah Moore01/01/199917650 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sande Terrill Barnes01/01/197818417 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sandra Brenay Holt-Flax01/01/196317710 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sandra Denise Jackson01/01/197217626 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sandra F. Terrell01/01/195017350 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sandra Henry Hunter01/01/195125330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sandra Jacqueline Shananaquet01/01/196518233 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sandra Jean Guntzviller01/01/194818703 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sandra Lee Moore01/01/195017244 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sandra Lee Revait01/01/196317676 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sandra Lynn Laferriere01/01/196218685 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sandra Margaret Brown01/01/194317351 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sandra McCullough01/01/194617651 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sarah Ann Holmes01/01/197617750 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sarah Elizabeth Cruz01/01/199517621 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sarah Marie Ackerman01/01/198218704 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sarah May Zaske01/01/200217430 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Scott Brent Newton01/01/197417658 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scott Charles Smith01/01/196517466 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Scott Edwin Quackenbush01/01/196918202 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scott Erwin Foster01/01/197717397 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scott Lee Johnson01/01/197818467 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Scott Michael Famiano01/01/197117260 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scott W. Thorp01/01/196017455 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Scottie Joe McKee01/01/196318626 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sean Christian Rankin01/01/200218811 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sean Oliver Vanloozen01/01/198818291 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sean Patrick Hughes01/01/197918448 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Selena Lynet Gordon01/01/196017641 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shaca Nicole White01/01/197617342 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shalayee Kierra Jackson01/01/198917444 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shane Cody Spaman01/01/199418877 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shanel Marie Dewalt01/01/199518465 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shannon Marie Conley01/01/200218851 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shanon Marie Williams-Steen01/01/196417719 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shanterin Shyvete Hardy-Alexander01/01/196217720 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharae Sharese Hicks01/01/197418682 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shardai Elizabeth Jones01/01/198618490 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharman Rachele Russ-Silberman01/01/195617302 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharniece Christine Taylor01/01/199017602 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharon Denice Washington01/01/196918300 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharon L. Bartle01/01/195718251 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sharon Lee Williams01/01/195417284 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sharon Sue Klein01/01/194118842 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shauntay Latese McKinney01/01/197917422 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shauntell Mathis01/01/198517711 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shawn David Tomes01/01/199217745 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shawn Patrick Turner01/01/198618268 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sheila Anne Tuynman01/01/197618236 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sheila Denise Funderburg01/01/196917322 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sheila Joyce Gaskin01/01/194518474 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sheila Ray Lofton01/01/195217537 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shelby Faye Morris01/01/199217336 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sheline Marie Teets01/01/196018602 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shelley Ann Kelley01/01/196918507 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shelly Marie Zenoni01/01/197118701 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sheneta Antwilla Barber01/01/197418717 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sheri Norlean Bowman01/01/198017699 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sherri Lynn Caloia01/01/196518626 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shevonne Alicia Pickett01/01/197917461 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shira Monique Mosley01/01/199018681 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shirley Denise Reeves01/01/196118444 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shirley Jean Mason01/01/198018627 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shirley Kelly01/01/192217321 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shirley Lavonne Brown01/01/194025340 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shirley Margarete-waltraut Arthur01/01/196425031 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Shirley Marie Sherrill01/01/195718618 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shountiea Laquida Williams01/01/198818435 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shubazze Sanswah Briscoe01/01/199917614 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Shylynn Nichelle Lofton01/01/197517674 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Simira Shalace Johnson01/01/197917440 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Simone Jasmine Morey-Greer01/01/199318470 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Sircorinth Lothario Hines01/01/198117209 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Skylah Yvette Jackson01/01/199118867 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sonia Quintanilla01/01/197917191 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Spencer Ross Cruz01/01/199417621 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stacey Arlette Fox01/01/197725330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stacey Cornelius Benson01/01/199318225 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stacey Diggs01/01/196517709 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stacey Michelle Mayweathers01/01/196718842 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stacia Elaine McNeil01/01/197217340 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stacy Kay Lloyd01/01/199018202 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stacy Lee Fleming01/01/196818696 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Star Powell01/01/197618299 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stella Dendy Young01/01/193825330 W 6 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stella Louise McGowan01/01/195017356 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie Ann Cain01/01/195217545 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie Ann May01/01/195218501 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie Leigh Mease01/01/198618268 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stephanie Lynn Miller01/01/196917309 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie R. Jones01/01/197017350 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie Starr Riley01/01/196518664 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephanie Vanessa Washio01/01/197218619 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephen Foster01/01/199118815 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stephen James Pedit01/01/198017389 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Stephen Joseph Kowalski01/01/198218447 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephen Michael Merrill01/01/196518210 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stephen Mitchell Shomock01/01/198617248 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stepheny Shantel Tunstall01/01/196717712 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Steven Conrad Kuehne01/01/198618467 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Steven Daniel Bogan01/01/198917670 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Steven John Kelley01/01/196918507 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Steven Lionel Brown01/01/197217158 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Steven Michael Rose01/01/197917630 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Steven Michael Willim01/01/196518435 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Steven Robert Theriault01/01/195318861 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Steven Russell Howell01/01/196918408 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Stewart Martin Anderson01/01/194718832 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Denean Richardson01/01/194617248 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Dorothea Griffin01/01/195918659 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan E. Cotton01/01/194917631 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Ellen Breece01/01/195718508 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Susan Kay Linting01/01/195717750 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Kay Sandelin01/01/195717414 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Lorraine Duncan01/01/195518301 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Lynn Schwartz01/01/196517125 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Marie Holst01/01/195418673 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Marie Shumaker01/01/195817733 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susan Marie Woods01/01/195717161 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Susan Wakeley01/01/197317198 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Susana Cervantes01/01/198218515 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Susann Peters01/01/191817421 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Suzanne Puz01/01/196117170 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sylvia Adele Copeland01/01/195217686 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sylvia Dian Abdel-Rahman01/01/197018448 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sylvia Frances Foley01/01/194217453 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sylvia Louise Smith01/01/195418308 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Sylvia Yolander Lettman01/01/196118296 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tahesia Cherronn Dinkins01/01/198118315 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Taiwan I. Wiggins01/01/199517272 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Takimia Catrice Thompson01/01/197618878 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Talise Janae Taylor01/01/197417736 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Talitha Cumi Thomas01/01/197718244 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tamara Nicole Harris01/01/197817661 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tamara Virginia Moores01/01/198617284 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tamari Se-elaan Springer01/01/200217660 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tamela Joi Ulmer01/01/198218827 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tamela Joy Jenkins-Waymer01/01/195917154 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tamela Renee Rivera01/01/197818265 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tamika Carter Lofton01/01/197817180 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tamika Nicole George01/01/197517158 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tamkeia Lajuanna Miller01/01/198017697 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tammi Terrell Glover-Springer01/01/196617660 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tammy Chevette McDaniel01/01/196318516 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tanesha Joi Hudson01/01/198817360 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tanesha Lashay Morgan01/01/198218854 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tangia Oamassa Wiggins01/01/197717272 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tanika Nicole Copeland01/01/197417686 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tara Marie Sweeney01/01/198817614 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tarnisha Rhodman01/01/197818626 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tashari Alyse Gulley01/01/199317375 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tashia Nichelle Marshall01/01/198517444 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tashia Nicole Toney01/01/197817606 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tasia Lee Baker01/01/198517142 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tavares Tareem Curtis01/01/198518698 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tawana Antonette Bruce01/01/197017395 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Taylen Jaleel-malik Byrd01/01/199418456 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Taylor Kristin Milliner01/01/199717750 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ted Edward Duenas01/01/197218617 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Telbert Curtis01/01/197118698 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tenecia Renae Williams01/01/198517323 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tenisha Bianca-kemise Alexander01/01/199418695 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terciel Timothy-earl Jones01/01/200117321 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Teresa Ann Parham01/01/196618686 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Teresa Annette Kimble01/01/195517547 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Teresa Johnson01/01/196518687 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terrance Jamal Greene01/01/198618447 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Terrell Antione Robinson01/01/198317421 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Terrell Edward Ryan01/01/198918473 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Terrence Alan Southern01/01/197817695 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Terrence Delmar Shavers01/01/197218822 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terrence Delmar Shavers01/01/200118822 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terrence Oneal Milliner01/01/197017750 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terrence Oneal Milliner01/01/199517750 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terri Denise Burney01/01/196818712 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terron Lee Grant01/01/198218407 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Terry Shermaine Howard01/01/197317340 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Teryn Kierra Milliner01/01/199317750 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Teylor Loren Johnson01/01/199018507 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thaddeus Badey01/01/196618477 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thelma Scott01/01/193417254 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Theodore William Steinbauer01/01/196618804 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Thera Terres Radney01/01/198417611 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Theresa Ann Thompson01/01/196017455 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Theresa Lynn Harper01/01/196518441 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Thomas A. Allison01/01/195018812 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Albert Humphrey01/01/197318300 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Allen Kramer01/01/197518617 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Fay Stowell01/01/195917389 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Thomas Gregory Dreffs01/01/195018258 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Thomas James Anderson01/01/198717396 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas James Millman01/01/195218696 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas John Kapolnek01/01/195817390 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Keith Clouser01/01/195218492 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Thomas Richard Kohlman01/01/195218299 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Thomas Robert Corliss01/01/196618242 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Robert Mulligan01/01/195517446 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas Robert Norkooli01/01/195718508 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Thomas William Allison01/01/197118812 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Thomasine Charlene Brantley01/01/194117226 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tia Marie Fountain01/01/198718412 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tiffani Michelle Doyel01/01/198318833 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tiffanie Leigh Patefield01/01/198917167 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tiffany Andrea Brewer01/01/197617475 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tiffany Joi Johnson01/01/198418614 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tiffany Nicole Keener01/01/197925025 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Timothy Abraham Crossman01/01/198817413 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Timothy Arelius Ross01/01/196117440 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Timothy Joseph Fischer01/01/196317462 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Timothy Ray Johnson01/01/196817371 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Timothy Tyeast Summers01/01/198717361 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tina Bell01/01/195617725 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tina M. Klimas01/01/196218631 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tina Marie Bullock01/01/197718805 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tina Marie McNally01/01/195617229 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tinille Rageana Brents01/01/198517454 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tionna Laqua Jackson01/01/197818428 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tipphany Na-cole Allen01/01/198717326 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tiquoya Monet Steen01/01/199017719 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Todd James Bailey01/01/197518500 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Todd Michael Stoddart01/01/197218687 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tomeka Lajoyce Bryant01/01/197717390 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tommy D. Watts01/01/194617618 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tommy David Watts01/01/196817618 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tondeleyo Toylese Abner01/01/197918620 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tonia Renee Goodwin01/01/197117633 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tonnie Lamar George01/01/197317158 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tori Nicole Ross01/01/199118483 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Torrie Chelsea Pippobello01/01/199518689 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tracy Ann Evans01/01/195917465 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tracy Ann-gladys Lagana01/01/197717357 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tracy Han Sevelis01/01/198717466 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tradina Watkins01/01/195117603 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Trasondra Lavin Artist01/01/198217729 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Travias Deshon Badie01/01/199618621 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Travis Alan Linna01/01/199117724 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Trayvon Connerly Badie01/01/199818621 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Trejon Lavaunte Holley01/01/200217630 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Trent Veasley01/01/199217190 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Treshon Lyniece Jenkins01/01/199117750 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Triquonna Ta-shawn Harris01/01/198617322 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tristam Denvon Harrison01/01/198318854 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tykelia Quatina Ryan01/01/198118473 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tyler Austin Donbrock01/01/199517446 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tyler Christopher Milliner01/01/200017750 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tyler James Fatur01/01/199917318 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tyler James-lathom Williams01/01/199917610 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tyler Preston Stclair01/01/198117248 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tyonia Nicole Taylor01/01/198218499 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Typhenia Vontiena Ross01/01/197018603 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Tyrico Deonte-earl Boyd01/01/198718249 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Tyrone Artist01/01/197017729 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Ursula Andrea Sugg01/01/196517355 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Valarie Dineen Hill01/01/196418452 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Valerie Ann Davey01/01/194018292 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vandella Cox01/01/195917248 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vaughn Fleming Wesley01/01/199317709 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vaughn Stephen Reynolds01/01/196617166 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Velicia Evette Harris-Crayton01/01/197117160 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Velma Marie Harris01/01/193817543 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Venita Marie Lee01/01/198118475 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vera Alisha Moffitt01/01/198417441 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Verdell Tomon Thurman01/01/198017189 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Verne Richard Smith01/01/194517198 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vernetta Hayes01/01/197517650 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Veronica Lynn Macek01/01/195417317 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Vicki C. Dankoski01/01/195718402 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Vicki Lynn Anglin01/01/196318450 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vicki Sharita Eason01/01/197017222 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vickie Taylor01/01/196618427 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Victor Lee Tillmon01/01/196118316 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Victoria Elaine Humphrey01/01/194517517 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Victoria Pratt-knox Thompson01/01/191917241 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Victoria Shanice Davis01/01/199318470 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Vincent G. Stubbs01/01/198918266 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Virginia Irene Lilley01/01/194917138 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Virginia Lorayne Emanuel01/01/194517507 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Virginia Mae Spurr01/01/193017467 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Vivian Ann Dykes01/01/194417465 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vivian Joy Robinson01/01/194017441 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Vonariee Brown01/01/195517236 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Walter Carl Jones01/01/196618685 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Walter Dashawn Jackson01/01/199718628 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Walter Walker01/01/197217330 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Wanda Jean Jones01/01/194517243 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Wanda Ruth Jurus01/01/193717487 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Warren J. Guntzviller01/01/194325043 Curtis, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Warren James Guntzviller01/01/196617189 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Wayne Edward Wirick01/01/193518426 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Wayne Robert Konfara01/01/195717471 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Wendy L. Duncan01/01/198718301 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Allen Steinmueller01/01/194618457 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Alsup01/01/195817342 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Charles Grant01/01/198517702 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
William Daniel Kibler01/01/198118516 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Earl Rembert01/01/196718483 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
William Earl Ross01/01/196718603 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
William Edward Holmes01/01/194417747 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William F. Girvan01/01/193117137 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
William Jason Mitchell01/01/197617466 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Johnson01/01/195118655 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
William Joseph Fox01/01/197118601 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Kevin Blake01/01/197018445 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Kevin Blake01/01/199218604 Beech Daly Rd, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Thomas Miller01/01/196018618 Garfield, Redford, MI 48240Voted
William Timothy Luoto01/01/195117370 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Willie James Prioleau01/01/197318635 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Willie James Prioleau01/01/193918635 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Willie Lee Miles01/01/196217661 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Winston Blair-anthony Harrell01/01/200017415 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Xaliviannaier Minnie-victoria Smith01/01/198218438 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Xavier Marquse Christian01/01/200118850 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yahtesha Yvonne Lester01/01/199718217 Five Points St, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote
Yakeima Fife01/01/197317285 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yamisha Sahara Brown01/01/198317174 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yvette Ann Foster01/01/197418266 Dalby, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yvette Cherice Lofton01/01/197617700 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yvonne Etta Williams01/01/195517455 Glenmore, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yvonne Laws01/01/194817251 Village Dr, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Yvonne Roxanne Miles01/01/196817661 Lennane, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Zeralene Gulley01/01/194617301 Sumner, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Zerrod Antonia Andrews01/01/197518869 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Voted
Zerrod Antonio Andrews01/01/199218869 Brady, Redford, MI 48240Didn't Vote



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